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AUGUST 2015 16/31

Logo panic

Don't fight the system.
Go in the system and take them down on their own faults.

Alle acties komend uit wraak of ego zullen mislukken.
Alleen acties vanuit een hart en ziel zullen slagen.

In deze blog geef ik mijn zienswijze van de huidige wereld weer. 
Ik beroep me op het recht die geldt vanuit het Universum, namelijk: Het recht van respect naar elke energievorm in het Universum. In de menselijke wetten is het omschreven in het UVRM als zijnde: Artikel 1 Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren
zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen. In de reeds niet meer geldende Nederlandse grondwet staat het beschreven als zijnde: Artikel 1 Allen die zich in Nederland bevinden, worden in gelijke gevallen gelijk behandeld. Discriminatie wegens godsdienst, levensovertuiging, politieke gezindheid,
ras, geslacht of op welke grond dan ook, is niet toegestaan.


August 31 at 05:56am

KLM verbied de vluchten van ARKE via Eindhoven

Dat had de kop moeten zijn van dit stuk waarin Arke het onderspit moet delven tegen de koninklijke vlieger maatschappij
Het gaat absoluut niet om veiligheid want die is er ook niet op Schiphol maar de grootaandeelhouder (koninklijkhuis) denkt veel geld te gaan mislopen als ARKE te dicht bij de grens gaat zitten met hun vluchten.
Hoe ver kan de macht gaan? Weer een bewijs.

Geen vluchten vanaf Eindhoven door gebrek aan controle

ArkeCURAÇAO – Luchtvaartmaatschappij Arkefly mag niet vanaf Eindhoven naar Curaçao en Aruba vliegen. De overheid kan de vereiste honderdprocentscontroles namelijk niet garanderen op de luchthaven. Vluchten met een verhoogd risico op bolletjesslikkers mogen voorlopig alleen landen als hier wel sprake van is.

Minister Ard van der Steur van Justitie en Veiligheid maakte dit kenbaar in een brief aan de Tweede Kamer. De honderdprocentscontroles worden uitgevoerd bij vluchten uit Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Venezuela en Suriname.

In Nederland voldoet alleen Schiphol aan de eis van honderdprocentscontroles op risicovluchten. “De overheid is bezig met een wet waarin wordt vastgesteld dat dergelijke vluchten straks alleen kunnen landen waar voldoende faciliteiten zijn”, aldus Arkefly. Op Eindhoven Airport is het echter niet mogelijk om alle reizigers te controleren op drugssmokkel.

ArkeFly heeft in overleg met de overheid besloten de vluchten te verplaatsen naar Schiphol. De vluchten zouden in november starten. Mensen die al hebben geboekt via Eindhoven worden gecontacteerd door de luchtvaartmaatschappij.



August 31 at 05:43am

This is what you eat


August 31 at 05:38am

Cocaine Production Plummets After DEA Kicked Out Of Bolivia

According to data released by the United Nations, cocaine production in the country declined by 11% in the past year, marking the fourth year in a row of steady decrease.

A girl plays in a bed of coca leaves, in the village of Trincavini in Peru’s Pichari district

(ANTIMEDIA) Bolivia — After the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was kicked out of Bolivia, the country was able to drastically reduce the amount of coca (cocaine) produced within its borders. According to data released by the United Nations, cocaine production in the country declined by 11% in the past year, marking the fourth year in a row of steady decrease.

It was just seven years ago that the DEA left Bolivia — and only three years after that, progress was finally made. The strategy employed by the Bolivian government may be a surprise to many prohibitionists because it did not involve any strong-arm police state tactics. Instead, they worked to find alternative crops for farmers to grow that would actually make them more money.

“Bolivia has adopted a policy based on dialogue, where coca cultivation is allowed in traditional areas alongside alternative development [in others],” Antonino de Leo, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s representative in Bolivia, told VICE News.

“It’s not only about making money off a crop. In the old fashioned alternative development approach, we substitute one illicit crop for a licit crop. It’s about a more comprehensive approach that includes access to essential services like schools, hospitals, and roads in areas that traditionally have been hard to reach,” Leo added.

There are unfortunately still harsh laws against drug trafficking in Bolivia, but these have been active since the height of the drug war and have had no effect on the recent decline in production. Bolivian president, Evo Morales — a former coca farmer himself — has been less heavy handed since the DEA left the country, a move that allowed the government to develop alternatives for the struggling farmers instead.

The drug war is one of the most misunderstood subjects in mainstream political discourse, even among people who are sympathetic to the plight of responsible drug users. It is rare for someone to come out and say that all drugs should be legal, but in all honesty, this is the only logically consistent stance on the issue. To say that some drugs should be legal while others should not is still giving credence to the punishment paradigm and overlooking the external consequences of drug prohibition — or prohibition of any object, for that matter.

As I explained in an earlier article, there are many external factors that are affected by the drug war that many people don’t take into account. That is because when you carry out acts of violence, even in the form of punishment, you then create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the bounds of the original circumstance to affect many innocent people down the line. The list in my previous article delves into those external factors to illustrate how drug users and non-users alike would be a lot better off if prohibition ended immediately.

The list includes the following advantages of full legalization:

(1) Reduce violent crime

(2) Improve seller accountability and drug safety

(3) Reduce drug availability to children

(4) Reduce nonviolent prisoner population

(5) Real crime can be dealt with

(6) Encourage genuine treatment for addicts

(7) Prevent drug overdoses

(8) Protect individual rights



August 31 at 05:16am

Government Can Now See Into Your Home

This week USA Today published a story revealing a new type of radar device that allows police to closely monitor activity inside of a home.

“They’re called doppler radar devices. What they do is, they can see in the home. If you’re a breathing, living human being, they can actually get the outline of your body and know where you’re at,” said John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute.

This technology has been in use since 2012, but only came to light recently after a federal appeals court in Denver blasted law enforcement for using the radars without a proper warrant. reports:

Whitehead said obtaining a warrant before using the radar on a private residence gives it constitutional clearance, but any police officers using it without going through the appropriate legal channels are guilty of infringing on the privacy rights of citizens.

“Before the government does surveillance, they have to have probable cause, which means some evidence of illegality,” he explained. “With these types of devices, they can drive by your home now and just see if you’re at home. If they want to come in under various laws now that allow them to do this, they can come into your home while you’re gone, knowing you’re not there and download all the information off your computer or other electronic devices.”

According to Whitehead, this radar is just the tip of the iceberg. He said some police departments have laser guns that can detect the presence of alcohol in cars, allowing officers to call ahead and have a colleague pull over someone who may never have been drinking. Another tool becoming more common is a stingray device dispensed to local police through the Department of Homeland Security.

“They drive by your home. [The device] is inside the car, but it acts as a fake cell phone tower,” he said. “It actually can download whatever you’re doing on your laptop or your cell phone.”

Radar home


August 31 at 05:11am

KPMG blijft in opspraak

Bestuur wist van niks

De Nierstichting is betrokken bij de nieuwbouw van het KPMG-hoofdkantoor in Amstelveen. De goededoelenorganisatie, die de belangen van nierpatiënten behartigt, blijkt eigenaar van een projectontwikkelaar uit Rosmalen die het KPMG-kantoor liet bouwen en waarvan de directeur verdacht wordt van strafbare feiten.

Het Openbaar Ministerie onderzoekt al langer fraude bij de bouw van het KPMG-kantoor in Amstelveen. Daarbij zouden kosten zijn gefingeerd om minder belasting te betalen. Justitie verdenkt een vastgoedbedrijf uit Vught van valsheid in geschrift. Bestuurder Fred M. is ook directeur van de bv die eigendom is van de Nierstichting. Het OM laat weten dat de Nierstichting zelf geen verdachte is in het onderzoek.

Bestuur wist van niks

De betrokkenheid van de Nierstichting, die vrijdag voor het eerst door De Telegraaf werd gemeld, was voor de Nierstichting ook een verrassing, laat directeur Tom Oostrom weten. Het huidige bestuur wist hier tot begin 2013 niet van en kwam daar pas achter toen de Belastingdienst onderzoek deed.

De Vereniging Vrienden van de Nierstichting werd in 2005 eigenaar van Meijon Ontwikkeling BV. De vereniging deed jarenlang de fondsenwerving voor de Nierstichting en ging in 2009 op in de Nierstichting. In de jaren ervoor combineerden de instellingen hun cijfers in de jaarrekening.

Tom Oostrom van de Nierstichting zegt dat de stichting “niet bekend is met de motieven die indertijd speelden”. Ook twee jaar na ontdekking van de raadselachtige transactie is dat voor de Nierstichting een vraag. Het lijkt erop dat de Nierstichting met zijn fiscaal vriendelijke status is gebruikt in een belastingconstructie.
Een gift in het vooruitzicht

Roderick Reetra, voormalig KPMG-fiscalist en toenmalig penningmeester van de Vereniging Vrienden van de Nierstichting, zegt vanuit Spanje bekend te zijn met de transactie, maar wil er verder niets over zeggen.

De rechtsvoorganger van de Nierstichting kocht in 2005 alle certificaten van Meijon Ontwikkeling BV. Het overnamebedrag werd geleend van een privé-bv van vastgoedondernemer Fred M., de directeur van Meijon Ontwikkeling BV die een van de verdachten is in het onderzoek naar valsheid in geschrift en belastingfraude rond de bouw van het KPMG-hoofdkantoor.

Dit werd gedaan, omdat de projectontwikkelaar een gift in het vooruitzicht stelde van de Nierstichting. Die gift was afhankelijk van de winst die op het KPMG-gebouw werd behaald. In 2010 kreeg de stichting na oplevering van het hoofdkantoor van KPMG inderdaad een gift van 71.000 euro.
Niet bekend = niet in het jaarverslag

De schuld aan Fred M. en de economische eigendom van Meijon Ontwikkeling BV werd jarenlang niet gemeld in de jaarrekening omdat de Nierstichting noch de accountant hiervan op de hoogte waren.

In 2013, vlak na het bezoek van de Belastingdienst, maakte de Nierstichting de participatie in de firma bekend, in een toelichting op de balans uit de jaarrekening over 2012.
Screenshot jaarverslag

De toelichting in het jaarverslag. Screenshot jaarverslag

De stichting is nog steeds eigenaar van de projectontwikkelaar. Volgens de Nierstichting kan zij niet van de certificaten af omdat Fred M. onderwerp van onderzoek is door de Belastingdienst.

De Nierstichting heeft overigens niets over zijn eigendom te zeggen. Alle zeggenschap is in een aparte stichting geparkeerd. René Werger, enig bestuurder van die stichting, oefent de zeggenschap uit over de aandelen van de vastgoedfirma. Werger, tevens commissaris bij ggz-instelling Mediant, weigert commentaar. Voormalig algemeen directeur van de Nierstichting Paul Beerkens was niet bereikbaar.

KPMG kantoor


August 31 at 05:02am

Geneesmiddelen in de watercyclusOpen

In oppervlaktewater, grondwater en drinkwater worden genees- en röntgencontrastmiddelen aangetroffen; deze hebben aantoonbare nadelige effecten op waterorganismen.

De concentratie van de geneesmiddelen in drinkwater ligt ten minste een factor 1000 onder de minimale therapeutische dosis.

Het langetermijneffect van dagelijkse blootstelling van de mens aan lage concentraties geneesmiddelen en aan de zogenoemde mengseltoxiciteit is onbekend; op grond van de concentraties en de toxiciteit van de stoffen lijkt de kans op nadelige effecten nihil.

De arts kan een rol spelen in het beheersen van de medicijnproblematiek in de watercyclus door kritisch te zijn in het voorschrijven van medicijnen.

De gebruiker van medicijnen kan een rol spelen door bewust om te gaan met medicijngebruik en restanten van medicijnen in te leveren bij de apotheek.

De farmaceutische industrie kan een rol spelen door bij de ontwikkeling van medicijnen rekening te houden met de afbreekbaarheid en de verwijderbaarheid van deze middelen en door rekening te houden met effecten van medicijnen op het milieu.

Na de ontdekking van het bestrijdingsmiddel bentazon in het drinkwater van Amsterdam in de jaren 80 van de vorige eeuw,1 is er steeds meer aandacht voor de aanwezigheid van geneesmiddelen in de watercyclus. Een deel van de ingenomen geneesmiddelen wordt via urine en ontlasting uitgescheiden en komt in het afvalwater terecht. Deze middelen worden met het rioolwater getransporteerd naar de rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties, waar een deel van de medicijnen wordt verwijderd. De rest komt met het gezuiverde water (effluent) in het oppervlaktewater terecht. Ondanks de robuuste zuivering in Nederland kunnen geneesmiddelen ook in het drinkwater voorkomen.2 Met de sterk verbeterde chemisch-analytische meetmethoden worden steeds meer geneesmiddelen in de watercyclus opgespoord. Door de toenemende vergrijzing neemt het medicijngebruik toe. Zonder extra maatregelen zal de emissie van geneesmiddelen naar de watercyclus ook stijgen.

In dit artikel schetsen we wat de bronnen en de routes van geneesmiddelen in de watercyclus zijn, voor welke medicijnen is aangetoond dat zij in de watercyclus voorkomen, wat de mogelijke effecten hiervan op mens en milieu zijn en wat we kunnen doen om de risico’s te verlagen, inclusief wat daarbij de rol van de arts is.
Bronnen en transportroutes

De belangrijkste bronnen van geneesmiddelen in de watercyclus zijn weergegeven in de figuur. Humane geneesmiddelen en hun metabolieten komen via urine en feces of na het doorspoelen van overtollige medicijnen in het rioolwater terecht. Ook afvalwater van de farmaceutische industrie wordt gedeeltelijk via het riool afgevoerd. Omdat de rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties niet specifiek ontworpen zijn voor verwijdering van geneesmiddelen zullen zij slechts een deel van de geneesmiddelen verwijderen (circa 65%). Een overgebleven deel van deze stoffen zal in het oppervlaktewater terechtkomen. De 353 rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties in Nederland lozen naar schatting jaarlijks ruim 11 ton geneesmiddelen en circa 13 ton röntgencontrastmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater.3 Rechtstreekse lozingen van de farmaceutische industrie vormen ook een belangrijke puntbelasting van het oppervlaktewater.4 De veterinaire toepassing van geneesmiddelen is een diffuse bron die het watersysteem enerzijds belast via uit- en afspoeling van mest van percelen naar het oppervlaktewater en anderzijds door infiltratie in het grondwater.5

In Nederland worden oppervlaktewater (40%) en grondwater (60%) gebruikt voor de productie van drinkwater. Hoewel de meeste geneesmiddelen bij de drinkwaterzuivering worden verwijderd, kunnen sommige stoffen in het drinkwater terechtkomen. De humane bronnen in Nederland zijn goed in beeld gebracht in projecten ZORG en Verg(h)ulde Pillen van de Stichting Toegepast Onderzoek Waterbeheer (STOWA).6-8 Op basis van kengetallen kan voor ieder gebied berekend worden wat de geneesmiddelenemissie via het riool is, zodat de effectiviteit van verschillende maatregelen kan worden ingeschat.5 Ziekenhuizen lijken grote bronnen, maar hun aandeel in de totale emissie is vergeleken woonwijken beperkt (respectievelijk minder dan 20 en gemiddeld 80%).
Geneesmiddelen in oppervlakte- en drinkwater

In principe kunnen alle geneesmiddelen die niet volledig worden afgebroken in de watercyclus terechtkomen. Er zijn tot nu toe ongeveer 200 verschillende geneesmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater aangetoond.3 Van 50 genees- en röntgencontrastmiddelen die in Nederlandse wateren zijn opgespoord, selecteerde STOWA er 17 om door waterbeheerders te laten monitoren (tabel).5 In de periode 2002-2003 is uitgebreid onderzoek gedaan naar geneesmiddelen in Nederlandse drinkwaterbronnen door Kiwa (nu KWR Watercycle Research Institute), het Rijksinstituut voor Integraal Zoetwaterbeheer en Afvalwaterbehandeling (RIZA), de Vereniging van Rivierwaterbedrijven (RIWA), en door het RIVM. De resultaten hiervan zijn samengevat in een rapportage uit 2004.9 In 2012 is een studie gepubliceerd waaruit blijkt dat ook in latere jaren nog veel geneesmiddelen zijn aangetroffen in oppervlaktewater.10 In de navolgende paragraaf worden de resultaten van deze publicaties uit 2004 en 2012 kort besproken.

Van (acetyl)salicylzuur, bezafibraat, bisoprolol, carbamazepine, erytromycine, diclofenac, clofibrinezuur, metoprolol en sulfamethoxazol zijn regelmatig concentraties in drinkwaterbronnen gemeten, met name in oppervlaktewater. Kiwa trof dezelfde stoffen aan in het oppervlaktewater in hogere concentraties; ook werden ibuprofen en fenofibrinezuur gevonden. RIWA mat van een aantal röntgencontrastmiddelen concentraties van circa 750 ng/l. In de periode 2005-2006 werden door het RIVM incidenteel zelfs zeer lage concentraties geneesmiddelen in drinkwater aangetroffen.11 Zorgbarend was dat geneesmiddelen vaker werden aangetroffen dan in de meetcampagne uit de periode 2002-2003. Overigens verlaagde het drinkwaterzuiveringsproces de concentraties in het eindproduct aanmerkelijk.

In 2008 heeft de Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC) op basis van een twintigtal publicaties over prioriteitstelling van 153 geneesmiddelen 3 categorieën voorgesteld: hoge, gemiddelde en lage prioriteit voor de watercyclus.12 De categorie hoge prioriteit betekent dat een geneesmiddel relatief vaak is aangetroffen en dat de betekenis van de stof voor de watercyclus hoog wordt ingeschat, met name op het gebied van gebruik, afbreekbaarheid, verwijderbaarheid en resistentie. In deze categorie zijn in Nederland sulfamethoxazol, erytromycine, ibuprofen, diclofenac, bezafibraat en carbamazepine het meest onderzocht.

De Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW) is een Europese richtlijn die sinds eind 2000 van kracht is en voorschrijft dat de waterkwaliteit van de Europese wateren vanuit chemisch en ecologisch oogpunt vanaf 2015 aan bepaalde eisen moet voldoen. Momenteel wordt de lijst met prioritaire stoffen uit deze richtlijn herzien. Er is voorgesteld om diclofenac op te nemen met een milieukwaliteitsnorm van 100 ng/l in landoppervlaktewateren. Ook is gesuggereerd om a-etinylestradiol en ß-estradiol op te nemen in de lijst.
Voor het gehele rapport:


August 30 at 05:59am

Syrian children who try to find their luck.

Last night more than 80 Syrians and Palestinians refugees have drowned in the Mediterranean close to the Libyan shores trying to reach Europe.


Don't tell me EVER that we are humans!

Dead Children


August 30 at 05:23am

How we solve Corruption and Maffia

There is a simple solution.
Do not play their game! As long people work for them and do what they telling you to do they have the power.
Remember the power they have now comes from all of us who helping them.


August 30 at 05:23am

Apollo project niet een mens op de maan

De eerste keer in het bestaan van de Telegraaf dat ze (zonder erg) de waarheid spreken.
We weten allemaal dat er nog nooit via het Apollo project mensen op de maan zijn geland!
En zie hier Telegraaf bevestigd dit!

Telegraaf zaterdag 25 augustus 2012



August 30 at 05:11am

Don't vaccinate your children!

Its poison what you give your children and it is NOT needed!.



August 30 at 05:08am

New York Rabbi Charged with Stealing $12.4 Million from Disabled Kids

New York rabbi Samuel Hiller and three others have been indicted for stealing over $12.4 million in public aid for disabled children.

The charges include grand larceny, identity theft, and falsifying business records at one of the city's largest providers of special education services for disabled children, according to a news release issued Tuesday by Queens County District Attorney Richard Brown. "It is disheartening to see a betrayal of the magnitude alleged in this indictment," Brown said in a statement.

The men allegedly diverted money belonging to Island Child Development Center, which serves Orthodox preschool children with disabilities, used it for personal expenses, home repairs and other business endeavors.

If convicted, each of the men would face up to 25 years in prison.

The fraud was uncovered when the center's former executive director ran off with his records just before a scheduled routine annual audit meeting in July 2012.

The center received roughly $27 million in state funding between 2005 and 2012.

The defendants were identified as Rabbi Samuel Hiller, 56, of Far Rockaway in the borough of Queens, Kurman, 52, of Hewlett, the former executive director of the nonprofit center in Far Rockaway from which the New York state and city funding was taken; Daniel Laniado, 41, the owner of a kosher supermarket in Brooklyn; and Roy Hoffmann, 50, of Woodmere.



August 30 at 05:03am

Physicists discover ‘clearest evidence yet’ that the Universe is a hologram

Text "A team of physicists have provided what has been described by the journal Nature as the “clearest evidence yet” that our universe is a hologram. The new research could help reconcile one of modern physics’ most enduring problems : the apparent inconsistencies between the different models of the universe as explained by quantum physics and Einstein’s theory of gravity. The two new scientific papers are the culmination of years’ work led by Yoshifumi Hyakutake of Ibaraki University in Japan, and deal with hypothetical calculations of the energies of black holes in different universes. The idea of the universe existing as a ‘hologram’ doesn’t refer to a Matrix-like illusion, but the theory that the three dimensions we perceive are actually just“painted” onto the cosmological horizon – the boundary of the known universe. If this sounds paradoxical, try to imagine a holographic picture that changes as you move it. Although the picture is two dimensional, observing it from different locations creates the illusion that it is 3D. This model of the universe helps explain some inconsistencies between general relativity (Einstein’s theory) and quantum physics. Although Einstein’s work underpins much of modern physics, at certain extremes (such as in the middle of a black hole) the principles he outlined break down and the laws of quantum physics take over. The traditional method of reconciling these two models has come from the 1997 work of theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena, whose ideas built upon string theory. This is one of the most well respected ‘theories of everything’ (Stephen Hawking is a fan) and it posits that one-dimensional vibrating objects known as ‘strings’ are the elementary particles of the universe. Maldacena has welcomed the new research by Hyakutake and his team, telling the journal Nature that the findings are “an interesting way to test many ideas in quantum gravity and string theory.” Leonard Susskind, a theoretical physicist regarded as one of the fathers of string theory, added that the work by the Japanese team “numerically confirmed, perhaps for the first time, something we were fairly sure had to be true, but was still a conjecture.



August 29 at 05:59am

Algehele boycot

Afgelopen donderdag verstuurde ik aan 264 Kranten, TV, journalisten en Internet nieuwssites van de voormalige Antillen (de 6 eilanden) een persbericht over het nieuwe boek "Utopia" wat ik uitgebracht heb over een revolutionair idee om een totaal nieuwe gemeenschap op te bouwen.
NIET EEN van deze personen heeft mijn persbericht cq ingezondenstuk geplaatst. Zelfs de kranten, journalisten en internetsites/journalisten die hard lopen te schreeuwen dat ze onafhankelijk zijn lieten verstek gaan.
Wel werd er achter de schermen duidelijk aangegeven van "we mochten het niet plaatsen". Als je dan verder gaat vragen over van wie het niet "mocht" dan kom je op een duidelijk eenzijdig antwoord "van hogerhand".

En dan maar blijven beweren dat de voormalige Antillen vrije eilanden zijn. Maar we moeten eens gaan kijken waar de persvrijheid gebleven is en wie "hogerland" is.



August 29 at 05:51am

De vrijheidsvechter en de verraders van Aruba

Heer Betico Croes heeft zijn leven gegeven om Aruba naar een grote vrijheid te brengen. Doordat hij bepaalde documenten niet tekende hebben ze zijn leven genomen. Doordat de eerste verrader (zijn opvolger) WEL deze zeer belangrijke documenten ondertekende, kreeg Aruba zijn status aparte. Na vele jaren langzaam maar zeker te infiltreren in deze status aparte en de grondleggers daarvan allemaal verdwenen zijn van het politieke circus, is er uiteindelijk de grote klap gevallen onder het toezicht van heer Eman. Aruba is weer slaaf van de algemene macht. NEE, het is niet alleen de schuld heer Eman en zijn team, het is de vele regeringen vanaf de dood van heer Croes waarbij deze nieuwe slavernij zijn weg heeft gevonden.

Men mag niet anders als gehoorzamen aan het getekende contract. De vrijheden waren te groot en het contract kwam in gevaar.

Kijk links van u, kijk rechts van u en zie de daders die Aruba verkocht hebben aan de wereld politieke maffia.

Betico Croes

August 29 at 05:49am

Something is wrong here

1. He was just standing there with the gun in his hand and no one noticed him for a good minute.

2. The fiance of the female reporter accidentally tweeted about her death 12 minutes before it happened.

3. National coverage happened immediately after the event and continued all day.

4. The man is black but the shooters hand is extremely light skinned almost to the point its white skin.

NOW my good friend has just shown me this:

The clip of the cameraman's camera showing the shooter wearing all BLACK does not go with the go-pro shooter footage of the shooters BLUE shirt sleeve.

Is black, white, and blue all the same color or is maybe something else going on here?




August 29 at 05:38am

Nee, geen doping, nee geen drugs!

We moeten het allemaal blijven geloven dat het puur kracht is.

Ja zegt de gek.


August 29 at 05:34am

Churandy Martina wachten tot het definitief fout gaat

"Martina kwam in Peking ook al uit op de 100 meter. Hij strandde in de halve finales en klaagde na afloop over pijn in zijn benen. De 31-jarige atleet heeft chronische hamstringklachten."
Ondanks dat gaat deze sprinter door en dat allemaal met de nodige middelen om zo toch keer op keer te verschijnen aan de start.
Churandy, laat je leven niet vernietigen door een ego die alsmaar aandacht vraagt en langszaam en zeker af zakt naar een hel.
Je top was de Olympische spelen en geniet van wat je toen presteerde.

Churandy Martina


August 29 at 05:16am

Artists who Predicted Their Own Deaths and Exactly Happened

1. Mark Twain

Twain predicted the exact date of his own death. According to the book “Mark Twain: A Biography,” which you can read, in 1909 he was quoted as saying:

“I came in with Halley’s Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don’t go out with Halley’s Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: ‘Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.’”

Twain’s prophetic assumption was realized, and he died from a heart attack on April 21, 1910, reportedly just 24 hours after the comet came as close to Earth as it ever had before.

2. Jackie Wilson

One of the best rhythm and blue singers ever, Jackie Wilson’s death reads kind of like a really awkward joke. Which is what the audience he was performing for thought they were witnessing. Known for his stunning dancing and on stage antics, when Wilson started to struggle to stand during a performance of one of his hits “Lonely Teardrops” while singing the line “my heart is crying” he was actually dying of a heart attack.

On live TV. He was successfully revived on stage from a bystander after a few minutes (when they realized he wasn’t joking) but later died in hospital.

3. John Gregory Dunne

John Gregory Dunne collaborated with his wife Joan Didion, writing as journalists, screenwriters, and novelists for 40 years. After Dunne’s unexpected — and prophesied — death in 2003, in which he urgently expressed two weeks before his death that he was going to go soon, he died while eating dinner at his home in New York two weeks later, as predicted. Dunne was so convinced he would die that he and Joan went to Paris to visit, as Dunne wanted to see Paris again before he died.

Joan Didion wrote in her memoir “A Year Of Magical Thinking” (for which she won a Pulitzer Prize) of the experience of her daughter and husband dying within 18 months of each other that John had seemed annoyed he’d spent a long time writing about something he didn’t truly care about because he felt he was about to die.

“He said that his current piece in The New York Review, a review of Gavin Lambert’s biography of Natalie Wood, was worthless…‘Why did I waste time on a piece about Natalie Wood,’ he said.”

Didion wrote that he “had a feeling” in those two weeks that the end was coming. As Dunne had a heart attack during dinner, Didion called an ambulance and he died within the hour. You can read more about it here, or for the entire story told firsthand, read “A Year Of Magical Thinking.”

4. Mikey Welsh

Mikey Welsh was a prolific American artist and musician. He found fame early as the bass player of Weezer, and enjoyed a productive painting career. In an uncanny turn of events, Welsh Tweeted about a premonition in a dream that he died of a heart attack in his sleep in Chicago.

Two weekends later, he died in his sleep in a hotel room in Chicago from a drug overdose. It was a tragic and untimely death coupled with Welsh’s bizarre Twitter assertion.

5. Arnold Schoenberg

Austrian composer and artist Arnold Schoenberg had a bad case of triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13. And it apparently killed him. According to his friend Katia Mann, which is recorded in his book, he was so scared of dying in a year that was a multiple of 13. For example he was petrified of his birthday in 1939 (he was turning 65). In 1950, Schoenberg was turning 76 years old, and his stupid friend Oskar Adler wrote a letter to Schoenberg warning him that the coming year was “critical” because 7 + 6 = 13. This freaked him right out, and he became convinced he would die on his 76th birthday, Friday the 13th of July.

In a letter Schoenberg’s wife wrote Arnold’s sister his wife Gertrude is quoted as saying, “About a quarter to twelve I looked at the clock and said to myself: another quarter of an hour and then the worst is over. Then the doctor called me. Arnold’s throat rattled twice, his heart gave a powerful beat and that was the end.” He died at 11.45 pm, 15 minutes before the day was out. His death was of natural causes, sometimes recorded as heart failure, and often as being “scared to death.”

Comment from my side: And they know what is behind this.



August 29 at 05:11am

A Most Unusual Healer Who Was Acquitted of the “Crime” of Healing

Most of us know that healing outside of the medical monopoly is a crime, even as that monopoly rarely does heal. And just about any indigenous herbal approach to healing is considered quackery, fraudulent, or worse by by modern mainstream medical professionals.

It’s amazing that one such character was once accused of medical fraud and acquitted by a jury in a Brooklyn, NY court during the late 1980s. That character was a black man from Spanish Honduras in Central America who was advertising he could cure AIDS in Manhattan’s Village Voice. His name was Dr. Sebi.

His trial in Brooklyn demanded that he provide one cured patient for each of the 10 diseases he claimed he has cured. Instead of 10 cured patient witnesses, 70 showed up. His trial and its result was recorded in a small New York paper at the time, the New York Amsterdam News. You can read a copy of that newspaper clipping here.

Dr. Sebi.

About Dr. Sebi and What He Preaches

He was born Alfredo Bowman in small village within the Spanish Honduras in 1933. He never went to school, but managed to travel and meet indigenous native healers in Peru and elsewhere who opened his eyes to the reality of why there’s so much illness among members of the human race during modern times.

His cures are with herbs, including cannabis. He insists on a plant based diet designed according to one’s genetic heritage. Plant based is good for most, but not for Eskimos. In other words, one’s genetic disposition varies according to one’s geographical and ancestral heritage.

He maintains that for Africans, which he declares he is genetically, a diet based on “starch and blood”, or grains and meats, is not conducive to health. But he also says that different genetic dispositions demand different types of diets. His approach is an alkaline plant based diet.

He explains how indigenous folks did not eat three meals a day, but according to need. In other words, they didn’t overeat. Thus, he adds, they didn’t produce so much waste that wasn’t naturally recyclable.
He declares that being raised in a small house with a dirt floor made him more grounded. And not obtaining a formal education kept his mind from being confused and polluted with nonsense.

Yet he’s quite the character with his expressive mannerisms and eloquent, articulate delivery of the basic principles he advocates to heal humanity. He recommends ignoring the synthetic complexity of chemical medicine and disease.

Many of his talks have been recorded on youtube. He is truly a medical and health anarchist who has not been influenced by modern society’s toxic ways.

His earlier entry into the USA culture had turned him into diseased mess. That’s when he traveled and discovered his roots for curing in Mexico and Peru, which returned his basic good health. He’s on a mission to share what revitalized him.

It’s amazing how he has kept on going with his enterprise of dietary consultations and herbal remedies now based in Los Angeles, California. Amazing because we’re so tied into the gridlock matrix of so-called modern medicine. There should be many of Dr. Sebi’s ilk. He’s in his 80s and still traveling all over North America and giving lectures.

Here’s Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food site. I recommend you visit and peruse the “About Us” tab, especially the Dr. Sebi’s Methodology link. I’m not recommending him as your primary physician or even as a go-to herbal source. That’s up to you completely.

But here is an interesting glimpse into a man whose journey was tuned into following the truth, and there are some wise gems to glean from him. The video interview below was taken in May of 2104.


August 28 at 05:32am

And we tell others "We are human"



August 28 at 05:27am

Ook dit is Rooms Katholiek zijn

Een van de vele beelden bij de katholieke kerken die genoeg zeggen


August 28 at 05:23am

Paniek wat kan er nog erger zijn?

Is dit nog menswaardig?




August 28 at 05:15am

114-Year-Old Man’s Secrets To Live A Long And Healthy Life

Bernando LaPallo, an incredible man from Arizona, USA, turned 114 on August 17, 2015, making him one of the oldest living people in the United States, and possibly the world. At this age, Bernando continues to shop for himself, cook, bathe, and shave without any assistance. He walks a mile and a half every day to the park. He has all his hair and his teeth, but he has no wrinkles.

“I eat plenty of fresh fruit and green vegetables, and I drink plenty of water. Water is very important. Exercise and sleep. Sleep is very important. Unless I am making a speech someplace, I’m generally in bed by 9:30. I get up at 3:30 or 4 in the morning, go for my walk, take my shower, rub my body down with olive oil, make my breakfast. Stress is a killer, my daddy told me that. It’s important to take time to relax and exercise your brain, such as by doing crossword puzzles. Everything I am telling you my daddy told me to do and I have followed his instructions for over a century,” he told News Watch.

Bernando especially recognizes five foods, a secret passed down to him by his father, which he believes is the key to his longevity. Garlic, which helps lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosis and heart diseases, and has anti-cancer properties; Honey, which is a great source of antioxidants and possesses antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties; Cinnamon, which helps lower blood sugar, treats yeast infections and inflammation, and helps with digestion; Dark Chocolate, which is full of plant-derived flavanols, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory constituents and helps prevent cardiovascular disease; and Olive oil, which is rich in monounsaturated fats, which keep both your heart and brain healthy, preventing cognitive decline and a risk of cardiovascular diseases.

“People ask me what do you do to stay so young. I say, ‘Well you’ve heard the old saying, you are what you eat’,” he told ABC15.

And what’s his advice to youngsters? “Keep your colon clean and your liver clean, take care of your eyes and take care of your feet. If you do that you’ll stay healthy. I have done that and continue to do that and that is why I am here today.”



August 28 at 05:11am

Unbelievable Discovery! This Fruit Kills Cancer Within Several Minutes!

This news spread with incredible speed on the internet and gives hope to millions of people suffering from cancer. Scientists have discovered a natural and effective anti-cancer agent completely by accident! In addition, the results of clinical research of the plant are very encouraging.

Scientists found that tumors cancer cells can be destroyed with the drug “EVS-46?, which is obtained from the seeds of the fruit of the tree “Australian blushwood”. This type of tree is very rare and grows only in specific areas in northern Australia.

Researchers accidentally noticed how wild animals that feed on the fruit immediately spit the seeds. This behavior encouraged their curiosity and they decided to investigate why they do so. The results were shocking!



August 28 at 05:02am

Multiple Former NSA Officials Team Up to Expose Unethical Behavior of FBI, NSA And DOJ

A number of different whistleblowers have recently joined together in a massive lawsuit against multiple government agencies, citing civil rights violations and malicious prosecution.

Thomas Drake, Diane Roark, Ed Loomis, J. Kirk Wiebe and William Binney have filed a lawsuit against the NSA, FBI, and DOJ, claiming that the highest ranking officials of those agencies attempted to silence them through prosecution, media smear tactics and occupational threats.

According to the lawsuit:

Plaintiffs sue Defendants, as individuals and in their official and unofficial capacities, for violations when Robert S. Mueller was Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) of their constitutional and civil rights, invasion of privacy, and retaliation for their roles as whistleblowers, including illegal searches and seizures, physical invasion of their residences and places of business, illegal detention as temporary false imprisonment, confiscation of property, cancellation of security clearances leading to the loss of their jobs and employment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, harassment and intimidation.

The lawsuit went on to say:

This is a case of the abuse of false and fraudulent claims of national security to target critics and silence criticism of government officials for the benefit of public officials to avoid responsibility and accountability for their actions in government, by abusing false claims of national security to harass and intimidate and harm the Plaintiffs. In retaliation against the Plaintiffs for – confidentially within proper government channels – filing whistleblower complaints with Congress and the Inspector General (“IG”) of the U.S. Department of Defense (“DoD”), the Defendants knowingly and intentionally fabricated a claim of the Plaintiffs involvement in leaks of national security information to New York Times reporters Eric Lichtblau and James Risen, and used this fabricated claim for retaliation, illegal searches and seizures, physical invasion of their residences and places of business, temporary false imprisonment, the confiscation of their property, cancellation of security clearances leading to the loss of their jobs and employment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, harassment and intimidation.

It has been long known that whistleblowers are not welcomed by the Unites States government, despite the fact that there are laws to protect them, and some politicians claim to support them. It is incredibly rare for a whistleblower to receive any protection or support from the government, and in fact, they many times are threatened with prison time, or the loss of their positions.

In court, the whistleblowers will be represented by attorney Larry Klayman, who specializes in cases against government agencies.



August 27 at 05:59am

Mijn nieuwste boek is uit!

Utopia, De wereld volgens het Energieniale leven

GRATIS down te loaden via deze link:


August 27 at 05:29am


There is politicans no , No sportsman ,artist no who, businessman, No is not on drugs.



August 27 at 05:23am

TV is Brainwashing


August 27 at 05:21am

Fastest computer in the world

It looks like China is not just surpassing America in terms of economic clout, it has even made the fastest supercomputer in the world: The Tianhe-2 literally translates to the Milky Way; Version 2.0, in fact. Nearly TWICE the speed of the Titan, it runs at 33.9 petaflops. Developed by China’s University of Defense Technology, this supercomputer has no rivals and runs on 3,120,000 cores! These consist of Intel Xeon E5 processors, custom processors and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.

Fastest computer

August 27 at 05:14am

Vijf redenen om de leerplicht af te schaffen

School staat zelfontplooiing in de weg

Zeg dat je de leerplicht wilt afschaffen en je krijgt gegarandeerd hysterisch protest. Dat terwijl er minstens 5 goede redenen zijn om de leerplicht af te schaffen.

1. Invoering leerplicht heeft geen rol gespeeld in het tegengaan van analfabetisme

Schaf de leerplicht af en Nederland is binnen afzienbare tijd het domste land in de wereld, aldus voorstanders van onderwijsdwang. Als we zonder leerplicht het domste land in de wereld worden dan moet de invoering van de leerplicht één van de grootste keerpunten zijn geweest in de Nederlandse geschiedenis.

Op 1 januari 1901 stelde de Nederlandse regering de leerplicht in werking. Vanaf die datum moest ieder kind van 6 tot 12 jaar verplicht onderwijs volgen. Historici die onderzoek doen naar de geletterdheid stuiten op een voor de hand liggend probleem: mensen die niet kunnen schrijven zullen hun geschiedenis niet vereeuwigen in het geschreven woord. Daarom wordt geschiedenis vrijwel uitsluitend gedoceerd vanuit het perspectief van geletterde heersers.

Gelukkig hebben historici een oplossing gevonden voor dit probleem: de handtekening. Men begon vroeger pas met schrijven wanneer men het lezen machtig was. De handtekening, als onderdeel van de schrijfkunst, is daarmee de maatstaf van geletterdheid. Door te kijken naar huwelijks- en geboorteakten krijgt men een goed beeld van de geletterdheid in de samenleving. Was men analfabeet? Dan zette men een kruisje onder een akte. Kan men schrijven? Dan zette men een handtekening.

De onderstaande grafiek is gebaseerd op geboorteaktes, die destijds uitsluitend door mannen werd ondertekend. Met deze methode kunnen we zien dat analfabetisme gestaag afnam in Nederland, lang voordat de leerplicht werd ingevoerd. Volgens historicus Boonstra hadden het verbod op kinderarbeid in 1872 en de invoering van de leerplichtwet in 1901 ‘geen effect gehad of kwamen als mosterd na de maaltijd’.

2. Leerplicht is een misleidende term

In werkelijkheid hebben we het over de schoolplicht. Het idee dat iedereen verplicht naar school moet van 5 tot 16 jaar. Met leren heeft dat tot dusver niets van doen. Veel vakken die scholieren krijgen zijn weliswaar handig maar niet essentieel om een zelfstandig leven te leiden. Zo kan het handig zijn om te weten waar China staat aangegeven op de wereldkaart maar het is nog veel handiger om te weten hoe je een vliegtuig naar China neemt. Het zijn juist deze praktische vaardigheden die niet binnen de schoolmuren geleerd worden.

3. School staat zelfontplooiing in de weg

School is een onaantrekkelijke plek om te leren. Het is de leraar, of eigenlijk het Ministerie van Onderwijs, die bepaalt wat kinderen moeten leren en op welke tijden. Mensen leren het meest effectief wanneer ze interesse hebben in wat ze leren. Deze interesse creëer je niet in een georganiseerd rooster, waarbij een leerling het ene uur interesse moet hebben in Frans en het andere uur in scheikunde. Een interesse die, indien aanwezig, bruut verstoord wordt door het gejengel van de schoolbel.

Als interesse de fundering van leren is, dan is dwang de sloopkogel. Leerlingen zullen zoveel mogelijk feiten opslaan in hun kortetermijngeheugen zodat ze dit na een examen weer kunnen vergeten. Iedereen weet dat dit waar is. Desondanks is ons schoolsysteem nog altijd georganiseerd om feiten te stampen in het kortetermijngeheugen van leerlingen.

Dat school inefficiënt is om kennis over te brengen is nog niet het grootste probleem. Het grootste probleem is dat het huidige onderwijs creativiteit doodt. Jonge kinderen zitten vol met vragen over de wereld. Vergelijk dit met pubers die leren slechts zien als een saaie verplichting. Het huidige onderwijs is dan ook gebaseerd op de eerste staatsscholen in Pruisen, waar het doel was om gehoorzame burgers en soldaten te produceren. Teveel vragen stellen past niet bij gehoorzame burgers.

4. Thuisonderwijs is een uitstekend alternatief

Na het ontbijt niet met de fiets naar school maar aan de keukentafel met wat schoolboeken. De meeste mensen vinden thuisonderwijs maar een vreemd verschijnsel. Kinderen zouden sociaal geïsoleerd opgroeien en bovendien dom zijn omdat ze les krijgen van hun ouders in plaats van geschoolde leraren.

Kijken we naar studies over thuisonderwijs dan blijkt dat kinderen die thuisonderwijs genieten vaak hoger scoren in gestandaardiseerde toetsen dan scholieren. Dat is opvallend omdat thuisonderwijzers er doorgaans een vrijere onderwijsmethode op nahouden terwijl scholieren getraind worden om toetsen te maken. Bovendien geven thuisonderwijzers slechts een fractie uit van het bedrag dat scholen over de balk gooien. De kosten van thuisonderwijs zijn gemiddeld een paar honderd euro per kind. Bij het basisonderwijs is dit al meer dan 6.000 euro. In het voortgezet onderwijs zelfs bijna 8.000 euro.

Dat thuisgeschoolde kinderen sociaal geïsoleerd opgroeien is een hardnekkige mythe. Alsof er opeens geen buurtkinderen of sportverenigingen bestaan. Of andere thuisgeschoolde kinderen waarmee ‘klassenuitjes’ georganiseerd worden. Het doel van school is dan ook niet om kinderen te socialiseren maar om ervoor te zorgen dat ze hun bek houden en stil zitten. De schaarse sociale interactie in de pauzes maken het verschil niet.

5. School is een gevangenis

Veel leerlingen klagen dat school lijkt op een gevangenis. In werkelijkheid is school een gevangenis. Het enige verschil tussen beide instellingen is dat je pas naar een gevangenis gaat wanneer je een misdaad begaat, terwijl je in school zit omdat je een bepaalde leeftijd bereikt. Zowel in school als in de gevangenis bepalen anderen wat je moet doen en wat de straf is wanneer je hun bevelen niet opvolgt. Bij ontsnapping is er een klein leger leerplichtambtenaren om de gedetineerden terug te brengen naar hun cel.

Er zijn natuurlijk verschillende soorten scholen, zoals er ook verschillen zijn tussen gevangenissen. Ondanks deze verschillen kunnen we vrijwel iedere school rechtsboven in de onderstaande afbeelding plaatsen. De enige uitzondering is het Sudbury onderwijs. Bij deze vorm van onderwijs zijn er geen schoolbellen, huiswerk, examens, roosters of klassen. Iedere leerling staat vrij om zijn of haar eigen interesses te volgen. Daarmee is het Sudbury onderwijs één van de weinige onderwijsvormen waarbij het leergierige in het kind behouden blijft.


Iedere ouder heeft een onderhoudsplicht naar hun kind. Mijn voorstel is om enige basiskennis (rekenen, schrijven en lezen) als onderdeel te zien van deze onderhoudsplicht. Een kind verwaarlozen moet strafbaar zijn, ongeacht of de verwaarlozing een gebrek aan eten, orale hygiëne of onderwijs betreft. Het beroep ‘leerplichtambtenaar’ is net zo onzinnig als een ‘eetplichtambtenaar’ of een ‘tandenpoetsambtenaar’.



August 27 at 05:07am

Bush Admits WTC Was Brought Down By Explosives (Video)

Bush says this, “For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high — a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.”

It sounds eerily like what happened at the WTC on 9/11. Was he referring that the “terrorists” planted explosives in the towers or that foiled plots had planned to use that tactic? Or was he referring to the WTC?

Bush says this, "For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."

It sounds eerily like what happened at the WTC on 9/11. Was he referring that the "terrorists" planted explosives in the towers or that foiled plots had planned to use that tactic? Or was he referring to the WTC?

Slip of the tongue! Freudian slip?



August 27 at 05:05am

Allan Taylor, 78, beat cancer by changing his diet and taking herbal remedies

Did this grandfather, 78, really beat 'incurable' cancer just by changing his diet? Extraordinary story of the man who got 'all-clear' after swapping red meat and dairy products for 10 fruit and veg a day

Doctors told Allan Taylor, 78, in April that his cancer couldn't be treated and had spread from his colon to his small intestine

In August the retired oil rig engineer from Middlesbrough got another letter - to say he was cancer-free

He puts the change down to his new diet, which he adopted after looking up 'colon cancer cures' on the internet

A grandfather, who was told by doctors that his cancer was 'incurable', has been given the all-clear less than four months later - after trying a different diet.

Allan Taylor could have been forgiven for fearing the worst when doctors told him they could do nothing to treat his condition.

But the 78-year-old would not give up, and instead searched the internet for an alternative method to fight his cancer.

After studying websites, he decided to radically change his diet - and found his condition improved dramatically.

Mr Taylor, a retired oil rig engineer from Middlesbrough, replaced red meat and dairy products with 10 portions of raw fruit and veg each day.

His diet included powdered grass, curry spices, apricot seeds and selenium tablets.

Mr Taylor made the changes after he received a letter on April 30, telling them were was no point having any more chemotherapy as it would not cure him and neither would an operation.

'They said if they cut out the cancer it would just pop up somewhere else,' he told the Sunday Mirror.

'But I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own cure.

'I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own cure'

'On August 6 I got a letter from North Tees hospital to say a scan had shown my cancer had gone and "the abnormality is no longer visible". I’m all clear.'

Mr Taylor's ordeal began in February last year when he noticed a two-inch lump in his abdomen. He was sent for a scan and told he had colon cancer.

Last September he underwent an operation, during which a surgeon removed a nine-inch section of his colon, and he began a three-month course of chemotherapy.

But in April this year he was told the cancer had spread to small intestine.

Mr Taylor responded by tapping the words 'colon cancer cures' into an internet search engine.

He used the information, together with advice from his local health food store, to devise his new diet.

He believes that having a teaspoon of powdered barley grass in hot water every morning and night was particularly crucial.

'There is no question in my mind that my diet saved my life,' he said. 'And all it cost was £30 a week.'

Kanker vrij


August 26 at 05:54am

Moderne oplichterij en we blijven maar geloven.

'Windmolenpark levert 80% minder energie dan gedacht'

Grote windmolenparken leveren waarschijnlijk 75 tot 80 procent minder energie dan gedacht. Er blijft voor de achterste molens minder wind over omdat die ervoor de wind afremmen, meldt BNR op basis van Amerikaans onderzoek. „Na een kilometer of vijf begin je dat echt te merken”, zegt onderzoeker Lee Miller. Een watt vermogen per vierkante meter zou het maximaal haalbare zijn.

Het windmolenpark dat voor de kust van Borssele moet verrijzen moet volgens de planning 350 megawatt opbrengen, maar dat is volgens Millers onderzoek vier of vijf keer meer dan natuurkundig gezien mogelijk is. Het Amerikaanse onderzoek, waarvan de bevindingen zijn gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift PNAS, richtte zich op windparken op land. Het ligt echter niet voor de hand dat de resultaten op zee veel gunstiger zijn.



August 26 at 05:42am

There is no government



August 26 at 05:37am

“The World Must Know What Is Happening Here”: The Story Behind Those Shocking Viral Images

The story of the indigenous fight against a super hydro-electric dam in the Amazon, and what you can do to support them.

Many of you will have seen these two disturbing images of indigenous abuse by the Brazilian authorities that have been circulating the internet recently. The first depicts a visibly shaken indigenous man being forcibly restrained by a soldier as other members of the military take up arms and run to their positions in the background.

The second shows a mother with a toddler on her hip trying desperately to push back against the armed men surrounding her. Their faces and bodies are obscured by shields, so we can see only their military boots and a single threatening baton. These soldiers tower over the petite woman, whose distressed expression as she struggles against them makes for a very powerful photograph.

The story behind these tragic images relates to indigenous protests against the proposed building of the Belo Monte mega-dam on the Xingu river in the Brazilian Amazon. The dam would flood a vast area of fertile land, dry up parts of the Xingu river, cause huge devastation to the rainforest, and greatly reduce fish stocks along a 100km stretch of river, a food source which the tribal people in the area depend on for their survival.

The Belo Monte dam is just one of many planned under Brazil‘s ‘Accelerated Growth Plan’, which aims to create jobs and boost the economy by building roads, dams and other infrastructure, mainly in the Amazon basin. Belo Monte will be the world’s third largest dam if it goes ahead. It was first proposed in the 1980s, and the fight against it has been brought to the world’s attention by endless protests by tribal people in the area: The Kayapó, Arara, Juruna, Araweté, Xikrin, Asurini and Parakanã Indians all depend on the proposed site for their survival, according to Survival International, a charity that fights for the rights of indigenous people worldwide.

The man and woman shown in the upsetting viral photographs are members of the Kayapó tribe, who have been at the forefront of the battle against this so-called ‘growth’ for three decades and counting.

“We don’t want this dam to destroy the ecosystems and the biodiversity that we have taken care of for millenia and which we can still preserve”, the Kayapó explained to their government in an open letter. In another statement given to Survival, one of the tribe‘s elders urged: “The world must know what is happening here. They must perceive how destroying forests and indigenous people destroys the entire world.”

Huge tribal protests in 2009 were successful in halting the progress of the Belo Monte dam, when the Kayapó warned that its construction would force them to declare war on the government; the rivers would run red with blood before they would stop fighting the proposed ecocide. The battle was won but the war was not, and indigenous people continue to defend their land to this day.

The dam will cost over US$10 billion and affect over nine million hectares of pristine rainforest. Although many would argue the economic benefits of such a plan. it’s worth pointing out that while the dam would bring in more than 200,000 workers to the area, it would also force an estimated 20,000 local people from their homes (not to mention many species of wildlife). A large proportion of those humans displaced will be indigenous peoples, who have been living in (and protecting) the area for centuries.

Tribal people are very vulnerable to infections and illnesses from outside; even the common cold can be fatal. The proposed area to be dammed is thought to be home to many uncontacted tribes, who have the right to be left alone to live in harmony with their ancestral lands. The construction would attract large numbers of migrant workers and colonists who are likely to bring diseases to indigenous tribal people, literally putting their lives at risk. There is a high risk of invasion of native territories and violence, and the livelihoods of thousands of tribal people who depend on the forest and river for food and water would be destroyed.

In addition, the Brazilian government’s plans are illegal. Indigenous people have not been properly consulted about the dam, which violates both Brazilian and International law. The Xingu River is one of the Amazon’s main tributaries, and more than 80% of its flow would be diverted by the massive hydro-electric dam. This would have a devastating effect on a vital eco-system, one frequently referred to as ‘the lungs of the world’.



August 26 at 05:29am

Power drink, never eating again!

Engineer Creates A Power Drink That When Consume, You’ll Never Have To Eat Again….Here’s Why

According to this guy, drink this stuff and you’ll never have to eat again.

A man from Atlanta developed an all-in-one replacement meal drink filled with vitamins and minerals after becoming tired with the amount of time, effort, and money he spent cooking.

Rob Rhinehart, a software engineer, invented Soylent power drink as a way to get all the nutrients needed by the body and to spend his time and money more effectively especially in preparing food.

Rhinehart developed the formula by researching exactly down to the biochemical level. His formula is composed of lots of vitamins and minerals including calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. He named the formula after a fictional food from the book Make Room! Make Room!

According to him, the beige concoction, which bears a striking resemblance to pancake batter, has a great taste and he has yet to tire of it after six weeks. He believed it contains all the very important elements of a balanced diet but with just a third of the calories.


“Soylent contains everything the body needs in terms of vitamins, minerals and nutrients such as amino acids, carbohydrates and fat. It’s the minerals fruit and vegetables contain that are important, rather than the actual produce. We need carbs, not bread. Amino acids, not milk. It’s still fine to eat these whenever you want, but not everyone can afford them or has the desire to eat them,” he explained.

He started testing Soylent on himself, and found it gave him more energy, weight loss and feeling of fullness. His inspiration for the beverage came from seeing an elderly neighbor who had become ill. He realized his formula might have benefits for other people too.

“I was home for Christmas and saw an elderly family friend get admitted to the hospital after losing an unhealthy amount of weight. He was losing strength in one of his arms and found it very difficult to cook,” he said.

Approximately, consuming only Soylent costs him around $50 a month while spending on groceries costs him $220 and another $250 for eating out for lunch and occasional dinner. He adds that he finds it easy to lose weight by changing the proportions of nutrients in his drink for the reason that he has control over his diet. He hopes his findings could help with the world hunger.

Soylent is currently undergoing testing and modification. In 2013, a crowd funding campaign has offer around US$1,500,000, and venture capitalists Andreessen Horowitz offer another US$1,500,000, to produce and market a commercial version of Soylent. The funding paid for additional research and modification of the formula, which delayed Soylent’s release date. Rosa Labs, a company that owns Soylent that by January 2014 is the first shipment for United States based orders, and mid-2014 for international orders.

Here are Soylent’s full list of ingredients:



August 26 at 05:19am

Mensen ziek maken door vergiftigd voedsel en dan de ziekte "bestrijden" met giftige medicijnen

De meest winstgevende constructie in de wereld: mensen ziek houden met voeding om vervolgens de symptomen te bestrijden met medicijnen.

Om maar met de deur in huis te vallen, farmaceutische bedrijven zijn er niet om mensen gezond te maken. Men doet zaken in ziekten! Iedereen die hier anders over denkt zal van een koude kermis thuis komen. De grote voedselcorporaties weten dat er geen genezing kan plaats vinden als je elke dag weer hun bewerkte, vol met additieven en suiker geladen producten eet. Medicijnen zijn voor het overgrote deel van de bevolking dus de ‘oplossing’ om tijdelijk de pijn en discomfort van chronische ziekten te bestrijden die het gevolg zijn van het fabrieksvoedsel wat in de supermarkt ligt.

De effectiviteit van medicijnen

Wist je dat ‘normaal’ voorgeschreven gebruik van medicijnen jaarlijks MEER dodelijke slachtoffers telt dan dodelijke auto-ongevallen? Wanneer er bijvoorbeeld kanker bij iemand wordt geconstateerd, heb jij regulier maar 3 mogelijkheden: jezelf laten vergiftigen (chemo), laten branden (bestraling) of snijden (operatie). That’s it. In veel gevallen sterft men van de behandeling en niet van de kanker! Wist je dat de bijwerking van chemotherapie de ontwikkeling van kanker is? Zelfs wanneer de tumor kleiner wordt zal het permanent schade aanrichten aan je hersenen, nieren en lever en creëer je zo door heel je lichaam micro-tumors. Het is niet voor niets dat de tumor in veel gevallen terug groeit of op andere plekken in je lichaam zich manifesteert. Veel mensen vertrouwen blind op de vele medische specialisten in ziekenhuizen omdat ze geweldig zijn in het verhelpen van de meest verschrikkelijke wonden, gebroken botten en acute infecties. Maar hoe kun je het doodmaken van gezonde cellen en organen als iets goeds zien?

Wil je hier iets meer over weten, lees dan dit artikel eens door: ‘tumor is de kanker niet’.

De meest duivelse voedseladditieven
Mensen ziek houden met voedingWaar kies jij voor? Een ziek leven door het eten van ‘ziek’ voedsel om vervolgens de gevolgen hiervan op te vangen met het bestrijden van symptomen? Ik weet zelf ook dat die ene chips zo verdomd lekker smaakt. Sterker nog, sommige chips zijn net zo verslavend als drugs. Dit heeft te maken met de chemische toevoegingen die erin zitten zoals MSG, wat hersenen een signaal geeft van genot en beloning. Sommige kinderen zijn zelfs zo gewend aan de smaak van MSG (E 621) dat ze geen voeding zonder MSG meer naar binnen krijgen. Alles wordt smaakloos als je hersenen doordrongen zijn door deze zeer sterke chemische smaakversterker. Dit additief wordt samen met Aspertaam (E 951) niet voor niks de duivel van de e-nummers genoemd. Zorg dus dat je deze nooit meer binnen krijgt!

Waar geef jij je stem aan uit?

Je moet weten dat er een grote wisselwerking bestaat tussen de voedselgiganten en de grote farmaceutische bedrijven. Zie je het verband in hetgeen wat ik hiervoor heb beschreven? Je kunt kwaad echter niet met kwaad bestrijden, ik denk dat de statistieken dit de afgelopen 30 jaar wel hebben duidelijk gemaakt. Het aantal mensen met chronische ziekten, diabetici, hart en vaatziekten en kanker stijgt jaarlijks schrikbarend. We leven als zombies voor de TV, geloven wat ons wordt verteld op het nieuws, en kopen alles wat we nodig denken te hebben als we de commercials op TV en internet moeten geloven. Dit is een wake up call. JIJ kunt dit nu veranderen!
Mensen ziek houden met voedingZet de TV eens een week uit. Maak een wandeling in de natuur en kijk eens kritisch naar het eten wat je koopt. Met elke euro die jij uitgeeft, geef je een stem uit. Stem jij voor bewerkte, voedingsloze vulling of stem jij voor volwaardige voeding wat je lichaam in staat stelt zichzelf gezond en fit te houden? Je kunt je lichaam vergelijken met een gebouw. Hoe kun je van een gebouw verwachten dat het 100 jaar blijft staat als je gebruik maakt van slechte bouwmaterialen? Hetzelfde geldt voor je lichaam! Geef je euro’s uit aan biologische groenten en fruit, vlees, vis, eieren en RAUWE zuivel. Waarom expliciet deze voedingsmiddelen? Simpelweg om het feit dat je niet meer nodig hebt! Ook in de natuurwinkel ligt veel bewerkte rommel. Ok, er zitten vaak minder toevoegingen in, maar in veel gevallen nog steeds VEEL suiker of andere slechte suikervervangers. Ik vergelijk het met het krijgen van biologische kanker. Suiker is suiker en hier is ons lichaam evolutionair niet voor gemaakt. Je kunt het beste lokaal en direct bij de boer je voeding kopen.

Dit is wat jij kunt doen!

Wil jij je gezondheid echt naar een hoger level brengen? Dit begint met het bewust worden van hetgeen wat je dagelijks in je mond stopt. Stel jezelf de vraag: help ik hier mijn lichaam en geest mee op de lange termijn? Natuurlijk we lusten allemaal op zijn tijd iets lekkers, het is echter allemaal ‘kort geluk, lange pijn’, indien men dit chronisch voortzet. Kies voor voedingsmiddelen die een historische basis hebben als ‘superfood’, zoals biologische rauwe melk, rauwe eieren, bottenbouillon en gefermenteerde producten zoals Kefir, levertraan en zuurkool. Als je van zuivel houdt, ga dan voor rauwe zuivel. Probeer het eens een maand en kijk wat voor geweldig effect het heeft op je gezondheid. Neem de verantwoordelijkheid voor je eigen gezondheid, je bent het waard!


August 26 at 05:01am

So there is an old world Government!

New Global Government so there is an old world Government!

Pope Francis Calls For A New Global Government To Save Humanity

vaticanThe Pope has just called for a global political authority.
If that doesn’t send shivers down your spine…

From End of the American Dream:

Pope Francis says that global warming is a fact and that a new global political authority is necessary in order to save humanity from utter disaster. The new encyclical that was scheduled to be released on Thursday has been leaked, and it is being reported that this new global political authority that Pope Francis envisions would be in charge of “the reduction of pollution and the development of poor countries and regions”.

The funny thing is that this sounds very much in line with the new sustainable development agenda that is going to be launched at the United Nations in September. This radical new agenda is already being called “Agenda 21 on steroids” because it goes so much farther than Agenda 21 ever did. The new UN agenda does not just address the environment – it also addresses issues such as poverty, agriculture, education and gender equality.

It is essentially a blueprint for governing the entire planet, and that sounds very much like what Pope Francis also wants. In fact, Pope Francis is going to give the speech that kicks off the UN conference in September where this new sustainable agenda will be launched. For some reason, this Pope has decided to make the fight against climate change the central pillar of his papacy, and he is working very hard to unite as much of humanity as possible to get behind that effort.

It is not an accident that this new encyclical is coming out now. An article from the Guardian even states that the release was intended “to have maximum public impact” prior to the Pope’s major speech at the UN in September…

The rare encyclical, called “Laudato Sii”, or “Praised Be”, has been timed to have maximum public impact ahead of the pope’s meeting with Barack Obama and his address to the US Congress and the UN general assembly in September.

It is also intended to improve the prospect of a strong new UN global agreement to cut climate emissions. By adding a moral dimension to the well-rehearsed scientific arguments, Francis hopes to raise the ambition of countries above their own self-interest to secure a strong deal in a crucial climate summit in Paris in November.

Much of the encyclical is not that surprising. But what is raising eyebrows is the Pope’s call for a new global political authority. Here is more from the Guardian…

Pope Francis will this week call for changes in lifestyles and energy consumption to avert the “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem” before the end of this century, according to a leaked draft of a papal encyclical. In a document released by an Italian magazine on Monday, the pontiff will warn that failure to act would have “grave consequences for all of us”.

Francis also called for a new global political authority tasked with “tackling … the reduction of pollution and the development of poor countries and regions”. His appeal echoed that of his predecessor, pope Benedict XVI, who in a 2009 encyclical proposed a kind of super-UN to deal with the world’s economic problems and injustices.

What is even more alarming is who will be on the stage with the Pope when this encyclical is formally released. John Schellnhuber is a German professor that has some very radical views on climate change. For instance, he believes that our planet is overpopulated by at least six billion people…

Professor John Schellnhuber has been chosen as a speaker for the Vatican’s rolling out of a Papal document on climate change. He’s the professor who previously said the planet is overpopulated by at least six billion people. Now, the Vatican is giving him a platform which many expect will result in an official Church declaration in support of radical depopulation in the name of “climate science.”

And Schellnhuber also happens to believe that we need a new global political authority. If he had his way, there would be an “Earth Constitution”, a “Global Council” directly elected by the people of the planet, and a “Planetary Court” that would be above all other courts on the globe. The following is an excerpt from a very disturbing piece that he authored…

Let me conclude this short contribution with a daydream about those key institutions that could bring about a sophisticated — and therefore more appropriate — version of the conventional “world government” notion. Global democracy might be organized around three core activities, namely (i) an Earth Constitution; (ii) a Global Council; and (iii) a Planetary Court. I cannot discuss these institutions in any detail here, but I would like to indicate at least that:

– the Earth Constitution would transcend the UN Charter and identify those first principles guiding humanity in its quest for freedom, dignity, security and sustainability;

– the Global Council would be an assembly of individuals elected directly by all people on Earth, where eligibility should be not constrained by geographical, religious, or cultural quotas; and

– the Planetary Court would be a transnational legal body open to appeals from everybody, especially with respect to violations of the Earth Constitution.

Does the Pope want something similar?

It is quite telling that Schellnhuber was invited to stand with the Pope as this major encyclical is released to the world. Did Schellnhuber play a role in drafting it? Has he been advising the Pope on these matters? Does the Pope share his vision of the future?

And does the Pope share Schellnhuber’s belief that our planet is currently overpopulated by six billion people? If so, how would the Pope solve that “problem”?

Without a doubt, most of those that make up the “global elite” would love to see the number of people on earth decline precipitously. This is something that I covered in my previous article entitled “46 Population Control Quotes That Show How Badly The Elite Want To Wipe Us All Out“. Of course the Pope is not going to publicly advocate for getting rid of six billion people, but clearly he is extremely concerned about the impact that all of us are having on this planet.

The funny thing is that the earth is not even warming. In fact, there has been no sign of global warming at all for the past ten years…

Over the years the government and the scientific community have largely stood their ground when it comes to climate change. They’ve been adamant in their assertion that the planet is gradually warming due to human activity, and that we all need to do our part to stop climate change. However, the data provided by the scientific community doesn’t always jibe with their claims.

At least, that seems to be the case with the data coming out of NOAA’s climate monitoring stations. They have a series of 114 stations across all 50 states, which is known as the US Climate Reference Network. For the past 10 years they’ve shown no sign of global warming. In fact, there’s been a very slight cooling in temperatures across the US.

But at this point, most of the world has bought into the propaganda. In most industrialized nations, a solid majority of the population actually believes that climate change is the greatest threat that humanity currently faces.

And since just about all forms of human activity produce “carbon emissions” or affect the environment in some way, it gives control freaks that dream of global government a good excuse to grab more power. They will always say that it is about “saving humanity” or “saving the planet”, but ultimately everything that they are trying to accomplish would mean more power in their hands.

So what do you think that the Pope is up to? And do you think that it is a good thing or a bad thing?


August 25 at 05:46am

Kim Jong Ill en zijn zoon Kim Jong Un

Kim Joung Un

In de wereld afgeschilderd als zijnde een van de meest vreselijke mensen op deze aarde. Deze mensen deinzen voor niets terug en zij zijn het voorbeeld van een zeer harde lijn en ongekende onmenselijkheid.

Doch bij het tekenen van Kim Jong Un blijkt er een ander verhaal achter deze personen te zitten. De rol die ze spelen is de rol die ze van "hogerhand" moeten uitvoeren. Politiek is een spel en daarin hebben we de "goede" en de "kwade" personen.

Veelal lezen we over het slecht handelen van onder andere heer Jong, Putin, Castro, Chávez die simpel hun rol moeten spelen. Maar in werkelijkheid zijn het totaal geprogrammeerde mensen die deze rollen zo moeten spelen. We zien dat er veel meer gaande is zeker als je deze mensen onder de loep gaat nemen en hun energieën bloot legt.

Fidel Castro was ook zo'n man die als een ware beul afgeschilderd werd. Doch later kwamen er totaal andere verhalen naar boven en zagen we dat ook hij een speelbal was van de opperraad. Veel komt er vanuit de kerk en dan vooral vanuit het Vaticaan. Wat duidelijk te zien is is dat ook daar nog een kracht achter verscholen zit die hen tot deze daden zet.

Door de ritualen alsmaar te blijven bestuderen en hun handelen te plaatsen in een geheel, zie je dat de mens gestuurd wordt door bederf en experimenten. Men bouwt een geweldige gemeenschap op en dan breken we die af en laten de mensen verdwijnen. Deze dood en bederf is een weg die we al eeuwen, zij het niet 5000 jaren, volgen. Helaas leren we nauwelijks van wat men alsmaar met de mensheid uithaalt.

Vraag je een ding af:
"Wie zijn de ware krachten achter de bestuurders van deze wereld maar ook achter de dictators in de gehele menselijke geschiedenis?"

Kim Joung Ill


August 25 at 05:36am

De zogenaamde held Spencer Stone

Die zogenaamde held Spencer Stone, is niet alleen het best in heel ongemakkelijk liegen voor de camera. Maar hij is ook wereldkampioen snelgenezer, zijn voorhoofd is blijkbaar in een dag volledig genezen en zijn nek waarin hij zo erg gestoken was heeft geen pleisters of andere dingen meer nodig. Maar hey dat kan alleen bij helden hoor!

Spencer Stone


August 25 at 05:26am

Geen politie meer te vinden

Nederland kan geen politieagenten meer vinden en zo moet men het doen met de oude garde.



August 25 at 05:23am

The biggest mistake what the politics believing they are

Politics can interact with evolution to shape human destiny

Politics can have unintentional evolutionary consequences that may cause hastily issued policies to cascade into global, multigenerational problems, according to political scientists.

"Most western democracies look at policies as if they are bandages, we fix what we can and then move on," said Pete Hatemi, associate professor of political science, Penn State. "But we need to consider generational policies so that we can fix what we can now, but also be prepared for what comes next."

The researchers said that there is an interaction between political and cultural forces and evolutionary results. Genes can shape culture and political institutions, which in turn can shape biology and physiology, passing on certain traits to future generations. The environment's influence on adaptation and how it changes biology is better known and often easier to observe, said Hatemi, but the way culture can affect gene expressions in future generations is often harder to show and may take longer to reveal itself.

One more obvious way to see how culture affects natural selection is the effect that politically inspired atrocities -- for example, Communist purges in China and USSR and the Nazi Holocaust -- have on genetic diversity, according to the researchers, who released their findings in a recent issue of Advances in Political Psychology.

Other examples are just beginning to be studied. For example, researchers are starting to investigate whether, in certain conflicts, such as the Sudan, children who endured violence as soldiers, or mothers who suffered stress and malnutrition during famines, experience shifts in gene expression.

"Biology is affected by culture just as culture is changed by human biology," the researchers write.

Hatemi, who worked with Rose McDermott, the David and Marianna Fisher University Professor of International Relations, Brown University, said this interaction between culture and biology could explain why some troubled hot spots remain troubled over many years. People who are born in aggressive environments may pass on traits that make it more likely that future generations react to certain situations violently, he added.

"These changes, then, may have a long-range effect on children and on who those children become when they grow up," said Hatemi. "Those who grow up in a violent culture may have more of a tendency to respond with aggression in the future."

Another problem is that politicians typically create policies in a one-size-fits-all approach, Hatemi said, but there are considerable differences among groups.

"Education is a good example," said Hatemi. "We try to create educational policies to benefit the greatest number of people, but we also know that not everyone responds to education in the same way."

A similar dynamic may be at work in the creation of policies that guide health care and foreign affairs. Not all groups respond to diets in the same way, for example, and reproductive health varies across populations.

"We suggest that one of the reasons for the common failure of well-designed, well-intentioned social programs lies in the implicit 'one size fits all' assumptions, as well as the mismatch between modern intentions and older psychological drives and incentives," the researchers write.

While genetics is often seen as a rigid blueprint for destiny, the researchers suggest that humans are extremely adaptable and capable, to some degree, of molding evolutionary forces for good and bad. Humans have managed their environment by developing everything from tools and weapons to medical technologies, from crutches to vaccines.

"Evolution and genetic influence are, of course, important, but that doesn't mean it's fixed," Hatemi said. "We can shape policies that can shape evolution."



August 25 at 05:17am

De zich noemende "oranjes" zonder koninkrijk

In tegenstelling tot België en Denemarken, waar de koningen het volk niet in de steek hadden gelaten, verdwenen in Nederland na de smadelijke vlucht van de Oranjes wel hun namen uit het straatbeeld.

Gerard de Boer

de Boer 3

de Boer 2

August 25 at 05:12am

MRI Shows Cancer Cells Thrive On Processed Sugar

Want to improve your health? Change your diet! This message is slowly permeating mainstream society, but has yet to convince fast-food lovers and sugary-treat fanatics. Largely unaware of food consequences, many still dive into high-fat, high-sugar food options without a second thought; but a recent study affirming that Cancer cells grow and thrive on processed sugar may change that.

Nature Medicine recently confirmed that processed sugar is one of the primary driving forces behind the growth and spread of cancer tumors. The results were so conclusive, in fact, that future cancer screening may rely on scanning the body for accumulated sugar for signs of the disease.

The University College London (UCL) in the U.K. made this discovery after experimenting with a new cancer detection method that involves utilizing a unique form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The scientists sensitized a MRI scanner to look specifically for glucose in the body, and it revealed that cancer tumors – which have been shown to feed off sugar – light up brightly as they contain high amounts of sugar.

Explained by a recent UCL announcement, “The new technique, called ‘glucose chemical exchange saturation transfer’ (glucoCEST), is based on the fact that tumors consume much more glucose (a type of sugar) than normal, healthy tissues in order to sustain their growth.” On the update given by the university, it was noted that tumors appear as “bright images” on the scanner.

When traditionally scanning for cancer, the use of low-dose radiation injections are used to identify the presence of tumors. This makes sense, as radiation is another known cause of cancer, but such an injection is not optimal due to its potential side effects. However, this method works because the things that trigger and promote cancer to develop and spread can also be used by doctors to detect it inside the body. And sugar can now officially be added to that list.

“The method uses an injection of normal sugar and could offer a cheap, safe alternative to existing methods for detecting tumors, which require the injection of radioactive material,” says Dr. Simon Walker-Samuel, lead researcher of the study from the UCL Center for Advanced Biomedical Imaging (CABI).

What may be most shocking, as reported by the study’s senior author, is that the amount of sugar in “half a standard sized chocolate bar” is all it takes to effectively identify the presence of tumors using the glucoCEST method. This finding is astounding, as it suggests that even relatively low amounts of sugar have the potential to promote cancer proliferation.

UCL is not the first source to connect processed sugar with diseases like cancer. Dr. Robert H. Lustig, M.D. and Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Franciasco (UCSF), cites that the bulk of chronic illnesses prevalent today are caused by sugar consumption. Lustig is a famed author of “Sugar: The Bitter Truth”, and speaks openly in videos to describe his findings.

The main culprits of deadening sugar include: white sugar and flour, sweetened and processed foods, and fast food. The way these break down in the body (compared to natural sources of fructose from fruit), is that they cause an increase of hormones to be released (specifically insulin), and in effect, signal for cancer cells to feed and continue to grow in size.

Dr. Lewis Cantley, head of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) at Harvard University, shared during a CBS interview the sugar-cancer connection: “What we’re beginning to learn is that insulin can cause adverse effects in various tissues, and a particular concern is cancer.”

He continued, “If you happen to have a tumor that has insulin receptors on it, then it will get stimulated to take up the glucose that’s in the bloodstream. So rather than going to the fat or to the muscle, the glucose now goes into the tumor, and the tumor uses it to grow.”

These sources conclude and relay the importance of choosing wholesome, unprocessed, and predominantly plant-based foods to keep the body healthy, and the mind nourished. Start by adding more greens, vegetables and plant-based proteins, while decreasing the amount of processed foods you consume. The body truly is capable of healing itself, and the necessity to make such changes for it to happen is becoming increasingly evident.



August 24 at 06:12am


In dit boek wil ik met je doornemen over hoe een gemeenschap / de wereld zou kunnen zijn als we al onze krachten en wijsheden zouden omzetten naar een ongekende energie om zo een perfect leven en leefgemeenschap te creëren.

In het verleden zijn er al diverse mensen geweest die zo'n "ultieme" gemeenschap beschreven. Ook zien we rond de wereld ook nog wel eens stammen of kleinere groepen die door hebben dat er vele andere manieren zijn om een leven te leven.

Levenslang zijn wij geïndoctrineerd en zijn onze hersenen gespoeld. We mochten alleen geloven in het zogenaamde goede van het systeem, zijn wetten en regels. We vergeten verder te vragen, verder te denken en erger nog, we vergeten zelf te handelen. Alles wordt ons voorgekauwd en we nemen het, we geloven het. We nemen het voor lief. We gaan ervan uit dat het de enige weg is omdat we hun verhalen geloven. Kortom, al die zaken zul je aan de kant moeten zetten en open staan voor de nieuwe weg die komen gaat. We storten ons in de nieuwe energieniale wereld.

John H Baselmans-Oracle



August 24 at 05:59am



Here’s Why Steve Jobs Didn’t Let His Kids Use iPads and Why You Shouldn’t Either

If you fall within the Gen-Y era like us, chances are you’ve given a bunch of thought as to how you would raise your own children in this day and age (assuming you don’t have children already). Especially with technology, so much has changed since our childhoods in the 90s. Here’s one question: Would you introduce the technological wonder/heroin that is the iPod and iPad to your kids?

Steve Jobs wouldn’t, and for good reason too.

In a Sunday article, New York Times reporter Nick Bilton said he once assumingly asked Jobs, “So your kids must love the iPad?”

Jobs responded:

“They haven’t used it. We limit how much technology our kids use at home.”

Especially in Silicon Valley, there is actually a trend of tech execs and engineers who shield their kids from technology. They even send their kids to non-tech schools like the Waldorf School in Los Altos, where computers aren’t found anywhere because they only focus on hands-on learning.

There is a quote that was highlighted in The Times by Chris Anderson, CEO of 3D Robotics and a father of five. He explains what drives those who work in tech to keep it from their kids.

“My kids accuse me and my wife of being fascists and overly concerned about tech, and they say that none of their friends have the same rules… That’s because we have seen the dangers of technology firsthand. I’ve seen it in myself, I don’t want to see that happen to my kids.”

If our current addictions to our iPhones and other tech is any indication, we may be setting up our children for incomplete, handicapped lives devoid of imagination, creativity and wonder when we hook them onto technology at an early age. We were the last generation to play outside precisely because we didn’t have smartphones and laptops. We learned from movement, hands-on interaction, and we absorbed information through books and socialization with other humans as opposed to a Google search.

Learning in different ways has helped us become more well-rounded individuals — so, should we be more worried that we are robbing our children of the ability to Snapchat and play “Candy Crush” all day if we don’t hand them a smartphone, or should we more worried that we would be robbing them of a healthier, less dependent development if we do hand them a smartphone? I think Steve Jobs had it right in regard to his kids.

So the next time you think about how you will raise your kids, you may want to (highly) consider not giving them whatever fancy tech we’ll have while they are growing up. Play outside with them and surround them with nature; they might hate you, but they will absolutely thank you for it later, because I’m willing to bet that’s exactly how many of us feel about it now that we are older.

Steve Jobs


August 24 at 05:53am

Man Arrested For Microwaving His ID To Fry The Microchip And Protect His Privacy

This week, a 29-year old German man was arrested at Frankfurt Airport after police noticed that he had microwaved his ID to disable the microchip inside. Microwaving ID’s is actually extremely common among German and other EU citizens who are concerned about their privacy.

The man, who has not yet been identified is now facing charges of “illegally modifying official documents,” and is accused of tampering with state property.

This new charge has many in the EU worried, as there are likely thousands of people who have microwaved their IDs to protect their privacy.



August 24 at 05:44am

Scientist at deathbed makes shocking confessions about aliens

A recording has been released of the late US scientists Boyd Bushman who worked at a secret base of the United States Air Force. At that secret base, alien technology was developed and adapted for human use. According to Boyd, numerous alien bodies were studied at the facility as well. In the video, recorded shortly before his death, the Lockheed-Martin scientist shows images of alien bodies which according to him, were taken with disposable cameras at Area 51, a secret base of the Air Force in the state of Nevada.

Even though some of the details in the Biography of Bushman may seem controversial, according to British tabloid “Metro”, Bushman was an important researcher in aerospace corporation Lockheed Martin and had several highly classified patents.”As for the extraterrestrial crafts, we have United States citizens who work 24 hours a day studying UFO’s and Alien technology. We are trying to understand what we need to do.”Bushman confessions which were recorded on video are dotted with images of beings with humanoid bodies. According to the researcher, two groups of alien beings are being studied at Area 51, but there are also aliens who work in cooperation with humans.

Area 51 is an area of land located in Nevada owned by the United States government. It is popular for the fact that there, for years, numerous scientists have claimed to have been developing and testing new technologies based on alien tech, and secret military aircrafts. It is commonly known as Area 51, although the official name is Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) designation: Area 51.

According to Bushman, the alien technology is very advanced, these beings can travel at speeds much faster than light, and most of them come from planets that are located around 68 light years away from planet Earth. Bushman states that the aliens working at Area 51 are around 1.5 meters tall, they have fingers and toes just like humans but can live much longer than humans. These extraterrestrial beings are able to communicate via telepathy.

Boyd Bushman


August 24 at 05:36am

Light pillar


A light pillar is an atmospheric optical phenomenon in the form of a vertical column of light which appears to extend above and/or below a light source. The effect, sometimes also called the crystal beam phenomenon,[citation needed] is created by the reflection of light from numerous tiny ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere or clouds. The light can come from the Sun (usually when it is near or even below the horizon) in which case the phenomenon is called a sun pillar or solar pillar. It can also come from the Moon or from terrestrial sources such as streetlights.

Since they are caused by the interaction of light with ice crystals, light pillars belong to the family of halos. The crystals responsible for light pillars usually consist of flat, hexagonal plates, which tend to orient themselves more or less horizontally as they fall through the air. Their collective surfaces act as a giant mirror, which reflects the light source upwards and/or downwards into a virtual image. As the crystals are disturbed by turbulence, the angle of their surfaces deviates some degrees from the horizontal orientation, causing the reflection (i.e. the light pillar) to become elongated into a column. The larger the crystals, the more pronounced this effect becomes. More rarely, column-shaped crystals can cause light pillars as well.

Light pillar1

Unlike a light beam, a light pillar is not physically located above or below the light source. Its appearance of a vertical column is an optical illusion, resulting from the collective reflection off the ice crystals, only those of which that appear to lie in a vertical line direct the light rays towards the observer (similar to the reflection of a light source in a body of water).

Light pillars have been known to produce UFO reports. Niagara Falls is one such area, where the mist from the Niagara Falls causes the phenomenon to appear frequently during the winter months, where the ice crystals interact with the city's many upward facing spotlights to create prominent light pillars.

Light pillar1


August 24 at 05:22am

Maak kennis met de dokter die groente en fruit voorschrijft in plaats van medicijnen

De Griekse arts Hippocrates (460-377 v.Chr.) zei al: “Laat uw voedsel uw medicijn zijn en uw medicijn uw voeding.” Toch zijn er vandaag de dag maar weinig artsen die deze uitspraak serieus nemen.

In Houston, Texas is een dokter nu begonnen met het voorschrijven van fruit en groenten in plaats van medicijnen. Dr. Garth Davis behandelde jarenlang patiënten met diabetes en hoge bloeddruk. Hij ontdekte dat dieet en leefstijl van groot belang waren voor een goed herstel.

Zeer positief

Davis, die werkzaam is voor het Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center, schrijft niet langer medicijnen voor, maar alleen nog fruit en groente. Zijn patiënten hebben zeer positief gereageerd op de veranderingen.

Het team van dr. Davis werkt samen met Kristina Gabrielle Carillo-Bucaram, oprichter van Rawfully Organic. “Dr. Davis en ik zijn het eens dat het eten van vezelrijke, biologische, rijpe, kleurrijke voeding onderdeel zou moeten zijn van je dagelijkse routine,” zei ze.


Fruit en groente kan iedere woensdag tussen 10 en 14 uur worden afgehaald bij de balie van het ziekenhuis. Patiënten die een doos vers biologisch voedsel afhalen krijgen een speciale korting. Het ziekenhuis wil de mensen op deze manier aanmoedigen gezonder te eten.

In de doos zitten onder andere appels, sinaasappels, bananen, sla, selderij, wortelen en tomaten. Er zijn ook al andere artsen die patiënten hebben doorverwezen naar de zogeheten ‘Farmacy Stand’, die sinds oktober vorig jaar het leven van talloze mensen heeft veranderd. Stel je voor wat er zou gebeuren als iedere stad zo’n soort programma had. Vind je dit een goede ontwikkeling?



August 24 at 05:04am

Nikola Tesla, het verborgen interview


Dit interview met Nikola Tesla wordt in 1899 gehouden, maar is zelden gepubliceerd. Tesla neemt geen blad voor de mond en toont het volop aan de gang zijnde complot in de wetenschap aan, de onderdrukking van de etherfrequenties en de introductie van een nepwetenschap om deze te verbergen, evenals de onderdrukking van het werk van Tesla en Tesla zelf. Op deze dag in 1899 wordt Nikola Tesla geïnterviewd door journalist John Smith. Tesla: “Alles is Licht, door een van de stralen van het Licht wordt het lot van alle naties bepaald, iedere natie heeft zijn eigen straal in de grote lichtbron, die wij zien als de Zon.”

Voor het gehele interview klik hier.


August 23 at 06:01am

En men blijft denken dat de massa geen power heeft

Vluchtelingen bestormen grens met Macedonië
GEVGELIJA — Een grote groep vluchtelingen (over 5000 personen) hebben vandaag de grens met Macedonië bestormd. De Macedonische politie gebruikte flitsgranaten en de wapenstok om een deel van de migranten tegen te houden, maar kon volgens een getuige niet verhinderen dat duizenden mensen via modderige velden de grens overstaken.



August 23 at 05:55am

Hoe kunnen we de bevolking belazeren

Het volgende artikel verschijnt vol leugens vanuit de politiek. Laten we bij de eerste regels even blijven en dan zien we meteen een van de grootste leugens ” ....hebben zowel zijn eigen veiligheidsdienst als de AIVD daarover geen meldingen gedaan". Beide zitten zelf tot de oren in de maffia en waarom zouden ze melding gaan maken van dat de maffia nu verspreid is over het grootste deel van de bevolking? Iets wat op de andere eilanden ook gaande is en ook geen melding van gemaakt wordt door wie dan ook. Daarnaast is het de Nederlandse hoek die al deze maffia praktijken goed uitkomen want er moeten heel wat zaken vanuit Nederland gewassen en verzwegen worden. Praten we nog niet over de mega drugstransporten die vanuit justitie gecoverd worden.
Men zal vanuit Nederland enkele buitenlandse daders oppakken en daardoor zijn hun lijnen en hun connecties weer even aangezuiverd.

Boven- en onderwereld op Sint Maarten niet vermengd

Er is geen sprake van een vermenging van de onder- en bovenwereld op Sint Maarten, zegt minister van Justitie Dennis Richardson. Bij zijn aantreden als minister hebben zowel zijn eigen veiligheidsdienst als de AIVD daarover geen meldingen gedaan.

Richardson reageert op de uitgelekte verslagen van Gerard Bouman, de chef van de Nederlandse politie. Die was in juli op bezoek op het Caribische eiland. Volgens Bouman zijn de integriteitsproblemen en de daaraan gekoppelde criminaliteit zo ernstig dat er niet kan worden samengewerkt met lokale bestuurders en diensten.

Volgens Richardson spreekt uit die opmerkingen minachting voor zijn politieke en bestuurlijke verantwoordelijkheden. "We zagen soortgelijk gedrag al met de procureur-generaal, Guus Schram. Kennelijk zijn deze heren de nieuwe onaantastbaren."

Richardson verbood Schram in juli een eigen inlichtingendienst op te zetten voor zware en grensoverschrijdende criminaliteit. Hij wilde daarmee voorkomen dat de weinige banden die er zijn met het lokale korps worden doorgesneden.

"De praktijk wijst uit dat zonder inbreng van lokale opsporingscapaciteit er geen enkele zware zaak wordt aangedragen door de Nederlandse recherche en de Marechaussee."

Dinsdag heeft Richardson spoedberaad met de ministers Plasterk van Koninkrijksrelaties en Van der Steur van Justitie. "Ik wil van hen weten of zij de mening van de korpschef delen en of Bouman daarmee het bestuurlijke standpunt van Den Haag uitspreekt. Als dat zo is hebben we een groot probleem", zegt Richardson.

Excuses verwacht de minister niet. "Daar koop ik niets voor. Het is aan Van der Steur om te laten zien dat hij zijn ambtenaren in de hand heeft", aldus Richardson. Vooruitlopend op het gesprek van dinsdag laat hij weten dat ambtenaren uit Den Haag voorlopig niet welkom zijn op het eiland.



August 23 at 05:51am

You Won’t Believe Which 19 Countries Have More Freedom Than America (So Says This New Study)

The United States has fallen from 17th to 20th on a list of the world’s freest countries, according to a new in-depth survey by a group of respected think tanks.

Disturbingly, America now has less freedom than such nations as Canada, Chile, Malta, Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden, researchers Ian Vasquez and Tanja Porcnik concluded in their report, dubbed the Human Freedom Index.

The two looked at 76 indicators in 12 broad categories that ranged from the rule of law to freedom of religion to size of government to property rights.

“The Human Freedom Index presents a broad measure of personal, civil, and economic freedom around the world,” Vasquez wrote.

The study was co-published by the Cato Institute, the Fraser Institute (Canada) and the Liberales Institut (Germany) and is considered by the authors the “most comprehensive index on freedom yet created for a globally meaningful set of countries.”

Discover The Only Way Back To True Freedom And Liberty In America…

It used data from 2008 to 2012, the most recent data available for all the countries. Next year’s report will include data from 2013.

The United States fell from 17th in 2008 to 20th in 2012.

“The decline reflects a long-term drop in every category of economic freedom and in its rule of law indicators,” Vasquez wrote “The U.S. performance is worrisome and shows that the United States can no longer claim to be the leading bastion of liberty in the world. In addition to the expansion of the regulatory state and drop in economic freedom, the war on terror, the war on drugs, and the erosion of property rights due to greater use of eminent domain all likely have contributed to the U.S. decline.

Iran finished last, at 152. The study did not rank every country in the world.

The Countries Ahead of America

The top 20 nations for freedom were:

1 Hong Kong
2 Switzerland
3 Finland
4 Denmark
5 New Zealand
6 Canada
7 Australia
8 Ireland
9 The United Kingdom
10 Sweden
11 Norway
12 Austria
13 Germany
14 Iceland
15 The Netherlands
16 Malta
17 Luxembourg
18 Chile
19 Mauritius
20 United States

The countries with the most freedom enjoyed a higher standard of living, the authors said. The residents of the countries with the most liberties had an average per capita of income of $30,006 a year. Residents of the least free countries had an average income of $2,615 a year.

There were a few surprises on the list. Israel was ranked 51st, while Mexico finished 100th.

Europe, North America and Australia/New Zealand were the freest regions.

Some nations with constitutional monarchies did surprisingly well – Denmark, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands and Luxembourg all have monarchs. Canada and New Zealand, where Queen Elizabeth II is still the head of state, also made the top 10.

No African or Middle Eastern nation appeared in the Top 20, but one Latin American nation, Chile, made the grade at No. 18. Chile perhaps could win an award as the world’s most improved nation. Less than 35 years ago it was ruled by brutal military dictator Augusto Pinochet, who was notorious for murdering his own people and plagued by Communist guerrillas.



August 23 at 05:49am

Amazing Performance that will shock you. Arabs Got Talent
This guys performance will leave you astonished, shocked and tearful. Some thing's do not need translating.


"this is an Arab country,don't you dare surrender(or get weak),or else you will lose it"


August 23 at 05:12am

The Freemason and the church coming from Rome is ONE

Masses in Brazil for the Day of the Freemason
Above you see four Freemasons - from the left, an apprentice, two companions and a master. In their center is a Catholic priest, Fr. Geraldo Magela Silva, parish priest of Our Lady of the Conception Church in the city of Bom Jardim (Nice Garden), in the State of Pernambuco, Northeast of Brazil. The four Masons are in front of the altar and hold their symbols - a square, hammer and compass - while their grand master addresses the congregation with a short speech.


August 23 at 05:04am

Marihuana versus ziektes

We worden er mee dood gesmeten, Marihuana is de oplossing voor vele ziektes. Maar wat is er werkelijk gaande? Niets! want buiten dat het een kleine helende werking heeft is het niets anders dan het heilig geloof in dat dat het wondermiddel is.

Geloof in genezen en geloof in de helende kracht van die plant maakt dat verschillende ziektes tot kanker toe verdwijnen. Doch er is een simpelere manier en dat is gewoon geloven in jouw energie jouw kracht en het luisteren naar wat je lichaam jou vertelt! Dan gaat het lichaam aan het werk en je zult merken dat je totaal anders gaat eten en anders denken over gezondheid.

Het is het eten wat alles kan genezen dat samen met je binnenste ik die je exact de weg zal wijzen. Alles wat je neemt aan bijproducten is te veel en werkt weer averechts maar bedenk wel de bouwstenen van gezondheid is gezond leven en eten en daarbij behoren geen drugs, alcohol, vlees en alle middelen in een supermarkt verkrijgbaar buiten vers fruit en groenten.



August 22 at 06:14am

Today I start with the background of this 70 X 50 cm drawing in pen and ink.
The people are all on place and now the magic is happening.
You can see all these people on my website. Click on the person you want to see and you will get a page with the drawing and text of that man.
Hereby the link to my menu page


August 22 at 05:56am

Perfect mr. Emsley Tromp

Exactly the way the absolute top works and treats their slaves.
Say hello to mr. Rothschield if you hear from him soon.
Bud keep in mind the biggest slave are those who serve against humanity as you do.

President Central Bank walks away from deliberations
Emsley Tromp- "I will not waste my time with this anymore" were the words of the President of the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten (CBCS) yesterday during the meeting between the member of the Supervisory Board and lawyers. Sources close to the CBCS confirmed this last night.
The meeting was a court mandated negotiation in which all parties were trying to find a solution to the impasse between the management of the bank and two members of the supervisory board. The two commissioners want an investigation into the integrity of the management of the Central Bank.
After the management of the bank has approved the investigation and paid an advance of 80,000 euros to the European investigators, there was a sudden change and the management prohibited the investigators to enter the bank.
This was the reason for the supervisory board to file a lawsuit, which took place yesterday. During the court case the judge ordered the parties to deal with this internally, which took place immediately. During the second round of negotiations, Tromp walked away and said that he will not waste his time anymore.



August 22 at 05:45am

33.700 mensen vorig jaar vergiftigd

Zo’n 33.700 mensen hebben afgelopen jaar een vergiftiging opgelopen. Meestal ging het om een medicijnvergiftiging met bijvoorbeeld pijnstillers of rustgevende middelen. Maar het gebeurde ook regelmatig dat mensen – met name kinderen – huishoudelijke middelen of cosmetica hadden ingeslikt of een alcoholvergiftiging opliepen. Dat laatste gebeurde vorig jaar bij



August 22 at 05:34am

Laten we elk initiatief de grond inboren door zogenaamde "experts en architecten"

Je wordt er niet goed van, van die lokale "experts" die alles de grond in moeten boren en alles wat het oog siert moet afbreken en tegenwerken (zie het debacle nieuw ziekenhuis). Onze in de bol geslagen "experts en architecten" die menen alles te zeggen hebben en zich nu weer druk maken omdat ze met hun oude blinde ogen de geveltjes niet goed meer kunnen zien. Praten we nog niet over het eeuwige verhaal over onze Sentro pro arte waar we nu al weer ellenlange zielige stukken lezen in de lokale kranten. Het erge is dat deze experts, in hun tijd toen ze op de diverse stoelen zaten, GEEN SNARS uitspookten en ons eiland gemaakt hebben zoals het nu is. Een vervallen zooi en zeker niet aantrekkelijk voor bewoners of toeristen! Wanneer stopt de politiek en de mensen die nu de touwtjes in handen hebben met het zich storen aan deze oude ziekelijke garde die meent nog steeds te weten wat vernieuwing/verbetering is. He oudjes, gaat zitten in jullie schommelstoel en praat over vroeger met jullie clubje en laat de nieuwe generatie de nieuwe tijd verwezenlijken wat zij belangrijk vinden. Uw tijd is geweest en u had moeten ingrijpen toen u op die stoel zat.

De Kaya Grandi (Breedestraat) in Punda wordt flink onder handen genomen, zo laat het ministerie van Verkeer, Vervoer en Ruimtelijke Planning weten.
Dienst Openbare Werken (DOW) werkt aan een complete renovatie.
De Kaya Grandi moet een zogeheten 'shared street' worden, wat betekent dat de straat en de stoep op dezelfde hoogte gebracht worden. Er komen verkeerspaaltjes die de straat van de stoep zullen scheiden. De hele straat wordt beklinkerd, er worden bomen geplaatst en er komen bankjes om de straat aantrekkelijker te maken.

Er zal geen plek meer zijn om te parkeren in de Kaya Grandi zoals nu nog wel het geval is. Alleen mindervaliden zullen nog ruimte krijgen om te parkeren en winkeliers krijgen plek om te laden en lossen. Taxi's kunnen na de werkzaamheden parkeren op het Gouveneursplein, met de Parking Authority Curaçao wordt nog gesproken over waar nieuwe parkeerplaatsen gerealiseerd kunnen worden.

Het project voor een nieuwe riolering in de Kaya Grandi begint in september. Voorheen kwam zowel het regenwater als het toiletwater in dezelfde afvoer terecht, maar bij het nieuwe rioleringssysteem zal dit gescheiden worden. Het regenwater zal geloosd worden in het Waaigat, het afvalwater bij Klein Kwartier.
In oktober moet de Kaya Grandi weer opengaan, net op tijd voor het cruiseseizoen, aldus het ministerie.


August 22 at 05:23am

No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

“This is an artist’s concept of the metric expansion of space, where space (including hypothetical non-observable portions of the universe) is represented at each time by the circular sections. Note on the left the dramatic expansion (not to scale) occurring in the inflationary epoch, and at the center the expansion acceleration. The scheme is decorated with WMAP images on the left and with the representation of stars at the appropriate level of development.” Credit: NASA

Lisa Zyga via

( —The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at once.

The widely accepted age of the universe, as estimated by general relativity, is 13.8 billion years. In the beginning, everything in existence is thought to have occupied a single infinitely dense point, or singularity. Only after this point began to expand in a “Big Bang” did the universe officially begin.

Although the Big Bang singularity arises directly and unavoidably from the mathematics of general relativity, some scientists see it as problematic because the math can explain only what happened immediately after—not at or before—the singularity.

“The Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem of general relativity because the laws of physics appear to break down there,” Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University and the Zewail City of Science and Technology, both in Egypt, told

Ali and coauthor Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, have shown in a paper published in Physics Letters B that the Big Bang singularity can be resolved by their new model in which the universe has no beginning and no end.

Old ideas revisited

The physicists emphasize that their quantum correction terms are not applied ad hoc in an attempt to specifically eliminate the Big Bang singularity. Their work is based on ideas by the theoretical physicist David Bohm, who is also known for his contributions to the philosophy of physics. Starting in the 1950s, Bohm explored replacing classical geodesics (the shortest path between two points on a curved surface) with quantum trajectories.



August 22 at 05:07am

The Secret CIA Time Travel Program

(Locklip) Portals appear in many books, movies and video games. Some of them connect distant places, others travel back or forward in time, and the most powerful ones bridge into different dimensions. Most people suppose these gateways exist only in the realm of mysticism or science fiction, but there are some who strongly believe that portals have been opened up in ancient times and, quite possibly, even in the present day.

According to two National Security US Informants, the Department of Defense developed time travel technology over 40 years ago. As early as 1967, the US government was using a fully operational time travel facility built on Tesla-based quantum access. This technology has been used to keep the construction of military installations secret, as well as provide political and economic advantages by way of knowing what the future holds. Some say the CIA confiscated Tesla’s papers on teleportation shortly after his death.


One of these two National Informants, Michael Relfe, is a former member of the US armed forces who claimed he was a member of a top-secret US operation. He was recruited in 1976 and spent the next 20 years helping maintain and expand one of the two or more US colonies on Mars. Those bases served as strategic research points and defense objectives, and in order to preserve their secrecy, they were built in the future.

Relfe said that after serving 20 years on the Mars colony as part of their permanent team, he was age-reversed and sent back in time. He claimed that this was the usual procedure and that staff members would have certain memories blocked or erased before being discharged.

Dr. Andrew D. Basiago was a participant in DARPA’s Project Pegasus (1968-1972) that focused on time travel in the time-space hologram. He claimed that the CIA was actively training groups of gifted American schoolchildren to become the first generation of time-explorers.


Children were better suited for this mission for several disturbing reasons. First of all, they were considered ideal candidates due to their clear minds and lack of impressions or experience. The US government was interested in the effects of time travel over young bodies and minds. The adult volunteers usually became insane after several journeys. Fortunately, naive children had little former experience and beliefs that could drive them mad.

Another use for quantum technology was found in political control. According to Dr. Basiago, future persons of interest would be notified early about the roles they were to play in the future. He said that in the early 1970’s in Albuquerque, New Mexico he was present at a lunch at which George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were informed of their future presidencies.

Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were also paid visits and in 1982, President Obama was rumored to be approached while still a student at UCLA. To further this claim, there are many first witness accounts from people who attended college with Obama that can attest that he would often get drunk at parties and then claim that he would be the future President of The United States. Was this certainty not based on predisposed knowledge?

Basiago claims that in 1971 he viewed images from the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. They had been obtained from the future and brought back for analysis. This implies that the US government knew about 9/11 three decades in advance.

According to the informants and those who support them, this technology is held secret despite being funded by the public. It is also not the first time these missions have been kept declassified because of their immense potential. They say that the people deserve to know what is really going on, the truth about space exploration and the presence of humans on other planets. Teleportation could solve transportation problems worldwide by moving people and goods instantly. It would also immediately help to destroy the current tyrannical power pyramid that is in place.

If they’re right, we’re missing out on some revolutionary insight. To what extent can the Government manipulate our past, present and future lives?



August 22 at 05:00am

Whistleblower Found Dead After Revealing Alien Agenda

Phil Schneider, a government geologist and engineer with over 17 years of experience working on “black projects,” is undoubtedly one of the most important whistleblowers in modern history.

In September 1995, Mr. Schneider gave a presentation at the Preparedness Expo in which he exposed the New World Order Agenda and how it connects with extraterrestrials. During this speech, he presented physical evidence of alien metals and artifacts along with additional photographs to validate his claims

Less than six months after giving this presentation he was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck in what most would classify a military-style execution. According to some close to the investigation, Mr. Schneider had been repeatedly and brutally tortured before being killed. Regardless, the authorities somehow ruled his death a suicide.

Before getting to the video, this article contains a summary of the information Mr. Schneider presented at the Expo, however it’s best you know some basic facts before going into the scope of what is happening right under our noses.

Mr. Schneider worked extensively on building deep underground military bases, better known as “DUMBS”. He claims that the information about aliens is kept well hidden from the public and that the U.S. military has known about the presence of aliens for a period of time dating back to 1909.


He also asserted that more than $500 billion dollars was being allocated every year to black projects dealing with alien matters. He further asserted that 28% of the US Gross National Product was being spent on building underground bases. This “black budget” as he referred to it sidesteps congress completely. There’s little doubt that these projects are still continuing on to this day.

Keep in mind that the following information relayed by Mr. Schneider was from 1995 and has more than likely progressed in a significant manner since that time.

In 1995 there were 131 active DUMBS in the U.S and approximately 1,477 underground bases in the world. Each base cost an average of 17-19 billion dollars (in 1995 money) and took 1-2 years to construct with the use of highly advanced methods of construction that included vitrifying and melting rock using lasers that reduced the rock to powder and then they smoothed out the tunnels using boring machines. Mr. Schneider further claimed that these bases are massive and house thousands upon thousands of people.
Magneto-levaton trains connect all the DUMB bases with in the United Stated in a enormous transport system capable of speeds of MACH 2 or higher. He claims there is a whole other world down there that is filled with both human and alien lifeforms.
Area 51 is actually a complex composed of 9 deep underground bases and there are over 18,000 workers whose lives are highly regulated and entirely veiled in secrecy.
The United States government signed an agreement in 1954 with extraterrestrials granting them permission to experiment on humans and cattle in exchange for technology. This agreement, known as the Grenada Treaty, is a well-documented event. The original terms of this agreement stated that only a small amount of humans could be abducted, they had to be returned where they were found, and their memory of the event had to wiped clean. The aliens were also supposed to supply a list of the humans they were taking to Majestic-12. However it became clear after a few years that the aliens were taking far more humans than they originally agreed to.
Mr. Schneider alleges that there are 11 distinct alien races on Earth. Two of these species are benevolent.
“The New World Order and the alien agenda are one and the same.” Mr. Schneider describes the alien agenda as “the complete takeover of this planet, killing off 5/6 to 7/8 of the world’s population by 2029.” Obviously an alien takeover would mean that a one world government would be put into place and would, in all probability, be the end of freedom as we know it.
At least 9 races of alien beings view humans as a food source. They are not all cannibals. Instead they use secretions from the glands of humans and animals for the mixtures of vitamins in their food and some alien races can get high off of adrenaline.
Sixteen days before he gave the presentation, Mr. Schneider was shot in the shoulder by an FBI agent who wanted to kill him. Mr. Schneider shot and killed the agent in self-defense. In addition, he reported the incident to the FBI who dismissed him and the entire incident. He claims that 11 previous attempts were made on his life since he started speaking out. He also claims that DIA agents tried to kidnap his daughter but were unsuccessful due to the heroic actions of his ex-wife.

The way we see it here at is that if half of what Mr. Schneider said is true, then as a nation, a society, a civilization, the human race needs to wake up, band together, and demand answers from our governments, our leaders, and other powers that be. We can no longer live in the bubble we call our lives, we must look outside ourselves and pay attention to what isn’t being said or reported in mainstream media and read between the lines, do our own research and independent thinking to discover the truth – because the truth is out there.

Here is Phil Schneider explaining his experiences at one of his last lectures before being murdered.

Phil Schneider - November 1995 Lecture



August 21 at 05:57am

Vijftig politiemensen naar Sint Maarten

Nederland denkt iets te kunnen doen tegen de drugs en gok maffia in st Maarten. Och moeten we nu juichen, lachen of huilen want hoeveel keer heeft Nederland al niet gedacht dat ze nog iets kunnen redden op deze corrupte eilanden.

Het stuk geplaatst in de Volkskrant

Nederland stuurt begin komend jaar vijftig politiemensen naar Sint Maarten, voornamelijk rechercheurs. Die gaan er de georganiseerde en ondermijnende criminaliteit bestrijden, zeker tot eind 2017.
Door: Charlotte Huisman 18 augustus 2015, 20:16

Op Sint Maarten zijn de problemen het grootst met de versmelting van de boven- en onderwereld

De Nederlandse Politie begint in september met de werving. De zending, die ruim 20 miljoen euro kost, gaat volgens korpschef Gerard Bouman niet ten koste van het politiebudget in Nederland.

De Nederlandse minister van Justitie heeft in samenspraak met zijn collega's van de landen Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten eerder dit jaar besloten dat Nederland zich meer gaat bemoeien met de rechtshandhaving in het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk. Doel is de politie, het Openbaar Ministerie en de rechterlijke macht er structureel te versterken. Voor deze Nederlandse interventie is in juli een 'Masterplan Versterking Rechtshandhaving Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk' opgesteld, in samenwerking met het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties en het Openbaar Ministerie.

Vooral op Sint Maarten wil Nederland hard aan de slag, omdat daar de problemen het grootst zijn met 'de versmelting van de boven- en onderwereld'. Op dit eiland gaat de Nederlandse politie een team Bestrijding Ondermijning inrichten, dat er onderzoek gaat doen naar de ondermijnende en zware georganiseerde (grensoverschrijdende) criminaliteit. Zij kunnen meerdere onderzoeken tegelijkertijd doen en werken samen met een aantal lokale politiemensen. De Nederlandse politiemensen werken onder aansturing van de Procureur- Generaal ter plaatse.

Op het eiland groeit het gevoel van onveiligheid, nu de criminaliteit er stijgt

Sint Maarten, bijna vijf jaar een autonoom land binnen het Koninkrijk na de opheffing van de Nederlandse Antillen, telt nog geen 40 duizend inwoners. Dat is te klein voor een solide systeem van rechtshandhaving, dat, volgens Nederland, bovendien kampt met integriteitsproblemen, een capaciteitstekort en inefficiëntie. De Nederlandse overheid oordeelt dat de onder- en de bovenwereld zo verweven dreigen te raken, dat het Sint Maarten boven het hoofd dreigt te groeien als niet wordt ingegrepen. Bovendien heeft deze criminaliteit inmiddels ook Nederland bereikt, en gaat zij zelfs al over de grenzen van het Koninkrijk. Op het eiland groeit intussen het gevoel van onveiligheid, nu de criminaliteit er stijgt.

Nederland ondersteunde al langer de rechterlijke macht in het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk; alsook de Kustwacht en het Recherche Samenwerkingsteam (RST), dat grotendeels uit Nederlandse politiemensen bestaat. Zij helpen de lokale politie bij de bestrijding van zware criminaliteit.

Politie st maarten


August 21 at 05:35am

Onderwijs op Curacao


August 21 at 05:30am

De grote leugen van heer Palm, Amigoe en het Antilliaans Dagblad

Antilliaans Dagblad Amigoe

Eerste Papiamentstalige e-book

De Curaçaose schrijfster Ilia Berends heeft onlangs haar kinderboek ‘En fruminga floho’ (de luie mier)
gepresenteerd aan minister Stanley Palm (PAIS) van Economische Ontwikkeling. Het is een bijzonder
boek, want het is het eerste e-book in het Papiaments.

Heer Palm

Met grote verbazing las ik hedenmorgen dat mevr Ilia Berends een zogenaamd eerste leesboek in een Epub / PDF heeft uitgebracht. U staat groot in het AD hiermee. U bent kennelijk niet op de hoogte van dat ondergetekende J.H.Baselmans-Oracle reeds in 2010 een E book in het papiaments op de markt heeft gebracht! Het boek is getiteld "Mi bida no bal niun sèn".

Het is jammer dat u als minister zo voor de gek gehouden wordt en vals voorgelicht wordt. Ik stuur u hierbij de links op van zowel de PDF als EPUB.
Met een zonnige bandabousche groet
John H Baselmans -Oracle

Title: Mi bida no bal niun sèn ISBN 978-1-4467-2954-0 bida no bal
niun sen - John Baselmans.epub

File size 1.1 MB

Title: Mi bida no bal niun sèn ISBN 978-1-4467-2954-0

File size 1.1 MB


August 21 at 05:22am

Duitsers beschadigen massaal RFID chip op ID kaart

Duitsers beschadigen massaal hun op afstand uitleesbare chip (RFID) van hun ID kaart door hem even in de magnetron te leggen volgens Deze week is een 29 jarige Duitser daarvoor zelfs gearresteerd op de luchthaven van Frankfurt, nadat de politie had geconstateerd dat hij zijn ID een dergelijke behandeling gegeven had.

De man wordt beschuldigd van het illegaal aanpassen van officiële documenten en het knoeien met overheidseigendommen.

Volgens the Washington Post, heeft een onderzoek uit 2014 uitgewezen dat bijna 40 percent van de Duitsers de toegenomen digitalizering en de rol van de spionagediensten ziet als een bedreiging.

Een soortgelijke aanklacht is in NL ook mogelijk, omdat de Nederlandse overheid er van uitgaat dat het paspoort eigendom is van de Staat der Nederlanden en alleen in bruikleen gegeven wordt gedurende een zekere tijd (artikel 4 Paspoortwet). Nederlandse paspoorten zijn ook uitgerust met een RFID chip. Deze chip bevat onder andere alle gegevens die op de houderspagina staan weergegeven, aangevuld met extra (niet zichtbare) gegevens, waaronder een tweetal biometrische kenmerken van de houder: een gelaatsscan en twee vingerafdrukken (linker en rechter wijsvinger)

Wanneer de chip in je paspoort stuk gaat heb je een probleem. Volgens artikel 54 Paspoortwet kan je paspoort worden ingenomen als “het zodanig is beschadigd dat daarin opgenomen beveiligingskenmerken zijn aangetast, gegevens niet meer leesbaar zijn of een deel ervan ontbreekt.” Je reis naar het buitenland kan ook in NL zomaar op het vliegveld eindigen.

De angst van de Duitsers voor deze chip is niet ongegrond,want wat als dit soort geavanceerde technologie (de nieuwe generatie RFID-chips kunnen aan- en uitgeschakeld worden) bij mensen ingebracht wordt? Zou een mens ook op afstand bestuurbaar zijn? Het idee is misschien komisch, maar wel mogelijk.

In ieder geval hoeft de burger niet alles te accepteren wat de overheid aan privacy aantastende maatregelen invoert. De magnetron blijkt een ongekend voordeel te hebben (naast alle gezondheidsnadelen) en de Duitsers gaan ons voor.

Tip van een goede vriend:

NOOIT met de magnetron doen "heet is zichtbaar". Kaartje gewoon op een stuk staal leggen, aan beide kanten een papiertje ertussen (voor beschadegingen tegen te gaan ) en dan met een ferme en zuivere tik met een hamer erop geven, je ziet er niks van, maar hij is wel stuk!
Mochten ze ontdekken dat ie stuk is kun jij je gewoon van de domme houden, immers aan de buitenkant zie je niets. Met een magnetron krijg je een brandvlekje



August 21 at 05:19am

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well

Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government’s Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age. Two 40-page booklets entitled “Love, Body and Playing Doctor” by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung – BZgA) are aimed at parents – the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age.

“Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,” reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, “The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same.”

Why do some people still vote for these scumbags? Next time we must all vote our local NATIONALIST (extreme right) Political Party to restore normality.

Canadian author and public speaker Michael O’Brien who has written and spoken extensively about the crisis of culture in the West spoke to about the shocking and extremely disturbing phenomenon. It is, he said, “State-encouraged incest, which in most civilized societies is a crime.” The development is, he suggests, a natural outcome of the rejection of the Judeo-Christian moral order.

“The imposed social revolution that has swept the western world is moving to a new stage as it works out the logical consequences of its view of man’s value,” said O’Brien. “It is merely obeying its strictly materialist philosophy of man. If man is no more than a creature created for pleasure or power. If he is no more than a cell in the social organism, then no moral standards, no psychological truths, no spiritual truths can refute the ‘will to power’ and the ‘will to pleasure’.”

The pamphlet advises parents to permit young children “unlimited masturbation” except where physical injury becomes apparent. It advises: “Children should learn that there is no such thing as shameful parts of the body. The body is a home, which you should be proud of.” For ages 4-6, the booklet recommends teaching children the movements of copulation.

Another product of the BZgA is a song book aimed at children of four and slightly older which includes several songs espousing masturbation. The song-book entitled “Nose, belly and bum” includes one song with the following lyrics: “When I touch my body, I discover what I have. I have a vagina, because I am a girl. Vagina is not only for peeing. When I touch it, I feel a pleasant tingle.”

“The wiser and deeper position of most civilizations recognized that children need a period of innocence,” commented O’Brien. “Now the state, the German state, is encouraging destruction of this state of innocence,” he added. “This is consistent with the materialist philosophy that sees all moral norms and all truths about human nature as repressive. Pleasure and their distorted concept of freedom are their only guiding principles.”

According to the Polish daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, the BZgA booklet is an obligatory read in nine German regions. It is used for training nursery, kindergarten and elementary school teachers. Ironically it is recommended by many organizations officially fighting pedophilia, such as the German Kunderschutzbund. BZgA sends out millions of copies of the booklet every year.

“A society such as Germany’s which is already in steep decline, indeed into degeneration, will only inherit the whirlwind of violence and further levels of degradation of their own people,” warned O’Brien.

“It has happened before in Germany. It has happened in other nations. Different causes but the same dynamic, the rejection of the moral order of the created universe results in radical evil. The German state intervention in family life is a new level of auto-destruction,” said O’Brien.

Rzeczpospolita reports that the Eckhardt Scheffer of BZgA claimed that before releasing the manual the organization consulted parents, educators and child psychologists. 93% of whom gave a positive evaluation.

Even for a Western nation, Germany’s billboards and television ads push the limits of public pornography. Last year reported that a very popular teen magazine in Germany publishes nude photos of teens in sexual positions which would be in almost any other nation illegal child pornography.

With a licentiousness as the new morality of the secular materialist establishment and homeschool a forbidden practice, parents in Germany may well wonder what will transpire in public education.

“Will those children who are not liberated by their parents have special classes in their schools where they’re introduced to these practices,” asked O’Brien rhetorically. “If the state intervenes in this way, what won’t it intervene in?”

O’Brien concluded his comments quoting G.K. Chesterton: “When men cease to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing anything.”



August 21 at 05:08am

DO NOT SIGN the Refusal to Vaccinate form!


By AL Whitney © copyround 2015
Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines is acknowledged.


The “Refusal to Vaccinate” form was created by the American Academy of Pediatrics ‘legal department’ as a response to the growing number of toxic vaccines recommended by them and the growing number of parents who are becoming educated on this issue. According to CDC recommendations, our children should now receive 37 doses of vaccines between 0-16 years. [See Vaccine Schedule]

The following strategy now being used to overcome vaccine awareness is the most diabolical strategy possible! It is unlikely that physicians have any idea what they are asking their patients to sign . . . or to sign away. It is essentially a signed confession. So please read and understand why you can’t sign it and why it is really something other than what it appears to be.


Here are 12 reasons why no parent can sign this form unless they are interested in being statutorily charged with neglect or intentionally causing harm. Repeating more boldly: This form, if signed, could be used to have your child(ren) removed from your custody! It is a form designed to stand up in court! Why else would they ask for the parent’s signature to be “witnessed”?

The form attaches a child ID # that will be identifiable in the electronic records system across the country. Everyone from the school to the NSA will be able to determine who is and who is not vaccinated.

The scientific term for HPV vaccine is listed to discourage parents from making the connection to the dangerous vaccine for HPV called Gardasil. [See Gardasil: Former Merck Doctor predicts greatest medical scandal of all time]

Establishing a vaccination history is part of the Police state registry system being set up to track your vaccination status.

The CDC Vaccine Information Statement is pure unadulterated propaganda. The vaccination information coverup was documented and exposed in an extremely important paper Health Hazards of Disease Prevention (2011). Also see info about the CDC – #9 (below).

Again the parent is misled to think the truth about vaccine risks is on the CDC web site.The doctor has the vaccine package inserts right in his/her office. Why is it not offered and explained to the parent? The physicians themselves may or may not have read them. However, physicians are certainly aware that if the parents read the ‘official risks’ put out by the drug corporations, they would refuse the vaccines. Full disclosure is almost NEVER a part of the process.

“I understand the following: The risks and benefits of the recommended vaccine(s).” This of course would be agreeing to a false statement. You cannot understand the risks without reading and understanding the package inserts, therefore how can you answer in the affirmative? And what about all of the vaccine facts that aren’t even listed in the package inserts that have been ‘covered up’?

Parents are falsely told that without vaccines their children could suffer dire illnesses but are not told the dire illnesses/injuries the vaccines themselves could cause . . . including death.

This refers to the “herd immunity myth” of 1933, which has been proven unscientific over and over and over again. Simply put: if other children have been vaccinated – and the vaccines work – they won’t contract a disease from your child.

Entities are listed as “strongly recommending” the vaccine schedule. Again however, parents are NOT given full disclosure as to exactly who/what the entities are and what their motivations might be. Listed on the Refusal to Vaccinate form are the following entities and a brief description of their motivation:

The ‘physician’ – is rewarded for administering vaccines by higher reimbursements for his fees. His vaccine “rates” are checked to determine whether or not he/she is entitled to more money. Physicians, public health workers, and drug companies have all been given immunity from any possible lawsuits that may arise as a result of vaccine-caused injury or illness. In other words, if a vaccine harms your child or causes autism you cannot sue any of them.
The American Academy of Pediatrics which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF ILLINOIS – that receives lots of money from drug corporations for advertising in their Journal, etc. This organization relies heavily on what they believe to be a “government” health advocacy agency known as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
The American Academy of Family Physicians which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF KANSAS – that also receives lots of money from drug corporations for advertising in their Journal, etc.This organization also relies heavily on what they believe to be a “government” health advocacy agency known as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA. The CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. Repeat: the CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT! It is a private for-profit corporation that is chartered under the umbrella of the private for-profit UNITED STATES corporation with extremely close ties to the pharmaceutical companies and a sordid history of corruption. [See: CDC Exposed]

Bottom line: all of the above “entities” make more money if they vaccinate our children and even more if our children get sick from the vaccines . . . including the pediatricians themselves.

This is the broadest and most nefarious part of this so-called form.
“Nevertheless, I have decided at this time to decline . . . I know that failure to follow the recommendations about vaccination may endanger the health or life of my child and others . . . I therefore agree to tell all health care professionals in all settings what vaccines my child has not received because he or she may need to be isolated or may require immediate medical evaluation and tests that might not be necessary if my child had been vaccinated.”

This is not only deceptive and untruthful [see numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8] it is asking you to confess that you know you are harming your child (and others) and don’t care. It is asking you to agree to inform any/all people who consider themselves to be healthcare “professionals” (not defined) of your child’s vaccination record. You are also agreeing to permitting undefined healthcare professionals to keep your child in isolation due to unproven or unknown exposure to a myriad of undefined communicable diseases – with or without testing.

This is an admission that you understand this contractual document – and its significance – ‘in its entirety’. This means that you accept the false information sited as factual, chose NOT to do what you now know to be good for your child and others (are negligent), obligate yourself to embarrass and confuse your child by tracking and reporting on the vaccines you protected your child from, and give permission for your child to be tested or removed from your care and put in isolation for any ‘supposed’ exposure to any ‘undefined’ communicable disease by anyone calling themselves a healthcare worker. [Ohio Revised Code 3701.13]

In short, the form wants you to attest to the following . . . in writing and in the presence of a witness:

You understand you are signing a contract with performance requirements
You accept false information as factual and don’t care
You don’t care if your child or others are harmed by your decision
You agree to volunteer to all pretend healthcare workers your child’s vaccine record
You agree to allow others to test or isolate your child for unproven exposure to a disease

Here is the kicker. You are asked to sign, initial and date this document in front of a witness who also dated their signature. This is called an unconscionable adhesion contract: “a legally binding agreement between two parties to do a certain thing, in which one side has all the bargaining power and uses it to write the contract primarily to his or her advantage.”

Let’s think . . . how much money is made by forcing all children in American to be ‘fully’ vaccinated? Billions or is it trillions?

Physicians are led to believe – via the instructions accompanying the Refusal to Vaccinate form – that parents could sue them should their sons or daughters come down with the diseases vaccines are touted as preventing. Their fear of being sued is why physicians are so insistent that parents sign the Refusal to Vaccinate form. An excellent alternative, for both physician and parent, is the Vaccination Notice. This document corrects misconceptions about vaccines, the herd immunity myth, and the CDC. It also brings the liability (or lack thereof) to the physicians attention. See The Vaccination Notice.


If you have already signed the Refusal to Vaccinate form, go to this page for suggestions as how to rescind or nullify it: So you’ve signed the Refusal to Vaccinate document



August 21 at 05:03am

Het dragen van BH’s oorzaak van borstkanker

De antropologen Sydney en Ross Singer en Soma Grismaijer hebben uitgebreid onderzoek gedaan naar het verband tussen bh’s en borstkanker. Zij zijn tot de conclusie gekomen dat de lymfatische vernauwing, veroorzaakt door het dragen van bh’s, voorkomt dat dat toxines en andere afvalstoffen in het lichaam van vrouwen effectief worden opgeruimd. Dit leidt tot een opeenhoping van deze kankerverwekkende stoffen. Bh’s kunnen de circulatiestroom in het lichaam afsnijden waardoor ook andere gezondheidsproblemen kunnen ontstaan,

Omdat lymfevaten erg dun zijn, zijn ze gevoelig voor druk en kunnen ze gemakkelijk worden gecomprimeerd. De beide Singers merken op dat het continu dragen van bh’s in de loop van enkele decennia uiteindelijk kan leiden tot het ontwikkelen van borstkanker. Minder zuurstof en minder voedingstoffen worden geleverd aan de cellen terwijl de afvalstoffen niet worden weggespoeld.

xrayDit zijn krachtige argumenten en de wetenschap lijkt hen hierin te steunen. Op basis van een onderzoek waarbij vrouwen die een bh dragen worden vergeleken met vrouwen die dat niet doen, is het risico op het ontwikkelen van borstkanker bij de eerste groep vrouwen significant hoger dan bij de tweede groep. Tegelijkertijd zien we dat vrouwen die geen bh dragen ongeveer hetzelfde risico op ontwikkeling van borstkanker hebben als de gemiddelde mens, wat heel laag is.

Vrouwen die ook ‘s nachts hun bh aanhouden lopen zelfs drie keer meer risico op het ontwikkelen van borstkanker. Vrouwen die de ontwikkeling van borstkanker willen voorkomen doen er het best aan om hun bh zo weinig mogelijk te dragen, zeker minder dan 12 uur per dag. De afgelopen 20 jaar zijn alléén al in de Verenigde Staten 2 miljoen vrouwen geconfronteerd met borstkanker, wat eenvoudig voorkomen had kunnen worden als ze simpelweg hun bh regelmatig hadden losgemaakt of per dag minder tijd hadden gedragen.

No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

“This is an artist’s concept of the metric expansion of space, where space (including hypothetical non-observable portions of the universe) is represented at each time by the circular sections. Note on the left the dramatic expansion (not to scale) occurring in the inflationary epoch, and at the center the expansion acceleration. The scheme is decorated with WMAP images on the left and with the representation of stars at the appropriate level of development.” Credit: NASA

Lisa Zyga via

( —The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at once.

The widely accepted age of the universe, as estimated by general relativity, is 13.8 billion years. In the beginning, everything in existence is thought to have occupied a single infinitely dense point, or singularity. Only after this point began to expand in a “Big Bang” did the universe officially begin.

Although the Big Bang singularity arises directly and unavoidably from the mathematics of general relativity, some scientists see it as problematic because the math can explain only what happened immediately after—not at or before—the singularity.

“The Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem of general relativity because the laws of physics appear to break down there,” Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University and the Zewail City of Science and Technology, both in Egypt, told

Ali and coauthor Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, have shown in a paper published in Physics Letters B that the Big Bang singularity can be resolved by their new model in which the universe has no beginning and no end.

Old ideas revisited

The physicists emphasize that their quantum correction terms are not applied ad hoc in an attempt to specifically eliminate the Big Bang singularity. Their work is based on ideas by the theoretical physicist David Bohm, who is also known for his contributions to the philosophy of physics. Starting in the 1950s, Bohm explored replacing classical geodesics (the shortest path between two points on a curved surface) with quantum trajectories.

Xray borst


August 20 at 06:12am


Google pishing

You go to this account what is a pishing account!!!


August 20 at 05:58am

Een simpele drugsafrekening.

Kijk in haar paspoort of er niet een immigratiestempel staat van Curacao of een van de eilanden en als het eventjes mee zit heeft ze een nederlands paspoort wat van deze eilanden komt.

Haar man weet precies wie de daders zijn want hij is de man die zich niet aan de verplichtingen hield. Men maakt in dit soort gevallen niet de wanbetaler dood (zijn ze hun geld kwijt). Maar ze pakken zijn/haar naasten.

Gevonden lichaam is van vermiste Dominicaanse

Het lichaam dat zondag werd gevonden in de Utrechtse wijk Overvecht is van de vermiste Dominicaanse Sandra Garcia Geraldino. Sectie heeft uitgewezen dat ze door geweld om het leven is gekomen. Haar ex-man zit nog altijd vast.

De 45-jarige vrouw was spoorloos sinds 31 juli. Een week later werd haar ex opgepakt als verdachte. Het onderzoek leidde afgelopen zondag tot de vondst van een begraven lichaam, in een bosschage in Overvecht.

Nu vaststaat dat Garcia Geraldino dood is, verdenkt het Openbaar Ministerie de 42-jarige verdachte van moord dan wel doodslag. Overmorgen wordt hij voorgeleid. Het OM zal dan eisen dat hij nog zeker drie maanden blijft vastzitten.



August 20 at 05:47am

Politie vindt bestuurders Sint Maarten te corrupt

De Nederlandse politie wil niet meer samenwerken met lokale bestuurders op Sint Maarten, omdat er te veel aanwijzingen zijn voor corruptie. Die harde opstelling van korpschef Gerard Bouman leidt tot een stevig conflict met het eilandbestuur.

Zie wie dit uitspreekt en zelfs een Nederlandse PG heeft op onze eilanden de touwtjes in handen! Zet dat nu niemand aan het denken waarom deze man nu net van Rotterdam hier op de meest belangrijkste justitiele plaats moet zitten? Hij heeft niets voor niets deze post hier op dit eiland en zie het hypocrieten nu vanuit de Nederlandse hoek!

Politie Nederland


August 20 at 05:37am

Het voortbestaan van mensenhandel en uitbuiting

Oplossing claim Cubanen dichterbij
CDM heeft mogelijk weer toekomst.

Hoe kan er toekomst zijn als mensenhandel nog steeds kan en mag op dit eiland? Zie de vele buitenlandse werknemers die dagen maken meer als welk mens ook mag draaien. Niet werken dan lig je eruit! En dat hoor en zie je bij winkelpersoneel maar ook ISLA en vele aanverwante bedrijven. Maar ook in bedienend en huishoudelijk personeel. Mensenhandel is een algemeen gemeengoed op onze eilanden.

Het bedrag is nu opgelopen tot 120 miljoen dollar en het zou goed zijn dat men het dubbele moet uit gaan keren. Want leren doet men het kennelijk NOOIT!



August 20 at 05:14am

Passport with the most blood on it!

Amerikan passport


August 20 at 05:09am

Longontsteking natuurlijk genezen in 3 uur!

Longontsteking en influenza blijven de achtste belangrijkste doodsoorzaak in de Verenigde Staten. Op basis van de statistieken, sterven er elk jaar 50.000 mensen aan deze aandoeningen.

Het lijkt erop dat een griepprik niet zo efficiënt is. Daarnaast zijn antibiotica nutteloos in de strijd tegen de dodelijke gevallen van virale longontsteking.

Gebaseerd op het werk van Frederik Klenner en vele andere artsen, kan een adequate hoeveelheid vitamine C meer dan 30 ziekten genezen. Vitamine C vecht tegen de ziekte zonder dat verdere schade aan uw darmflora wordt toegebracht.

De volgende video beschrijft hoe iemand kan herstellen van een longontsteking in slechts 3 uur.

Er moet op worden gewezen dat de bron van vitamine C niet mag worden genegeerd. Vitamine C is ook afgeleid van maïs en moet je ervan bewust zijn dat koren van GGO-variëteit kan zijn. Vitamine C kan oraal worden genomen in poeder, capsule of vloeibare vorm.

Als u het gebruik van vitamine C overweegt als een aanvulling, neem dan gerust contact op met een arts, die bekend is met de voordelen voor de gezondheid van vitamine C, en te vragen om extra advies.


Beluister deze video en hoor de gevallen die Dr. Andrew Saul met succes behandeld heeft.

Reverse Pneumonia in 3 Hours


August 20 at 05:07am

'Heinz ketchup geen ketchup'

Heinz ketchup is geen ketchup. Althans, volgens het Israëlische ministerie van Volksgezondheid. Na een klacht van een plaatselijke ketchupfabrikant is gebleken dat Heinz minder tomatenpuree gebruikt in zijn ketchup dan wettelijk is voorgeschreven.

Volgens de Israëlische krant Yedioth Ahronot moet Heinz zijn ketchup nu 'tomatensmaakmaker' noemen. Overigens alleen in Hebreeuwse teksten op de verpakking; in de engelstalige merkvoering mag de sausproducent wel gewoon het woord 'ketchup' blijven gebruiken.



August 20 at 05:03am

The Man Who Discovered Cancer Said This….You Will Never Hear This From Your Doctor

Dr. Otto H. Warburg won a Nobel Prize for discovering the cause of cancer. There is one aspect of our bodies that is the key to preventing cancer: pH levels.

What Dr. Warburg figured out is that when there is a lack of oxygen, cancer cells develop. As Dr. Warburg said, “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancerous cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception. Deprive a cell of 35% of it’s oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.” Cancer cells therefore cannot live in a highly oxygenated state, like the one that develops when your body’s pH levels are alkaline, and not acidic.

Most people’s diets promote the creation of too much acid, which throws our body’s natural pH levels from a slightly alkaline nature to an acidic nature. Maintaining an alkaline pH level can prevent health conditions like cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and acid reflux. Eating processed foods like refined sugars, refined grains, GMOs, and other unnatural foods can lead to a pH level that supports the development of these conditions, and leads to overall bad health. In fact, most health conditions that are common today stem from a pH level that is too acidic, including parasites, bacteria, and viruses are all attributed to an acidic pH level.

There is a natural remedy that you can use at home that is simple, and readily available. All you need is 1/3 tablespoon of baking soda, and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Mix the ingredients into 8ounces of cold water, and stir well. The baking soda will react with the lemon juice or ACV and begin to fizz. Drink the mixture all at once. The combination will naturally reduce your pH levels in your body and prevent the conditions associated with an acidic pH level. Maintaining a healthy pH level will do wonders for your health, and you will notice the difference after only a few days of the treatment.



August 19 at 06:35am

Most perfect advertising

Deze Zwitserse marketingstunt ging in een mum van tijd viraal. En terecht: De toeristische dienst van de Zwitserse regio Graubünden heeft een geniale marketingactie gelanceerd die in een mum van tijd viraal ging op het internet. Reizigers in het station van Zurich wisten niet goed wat ze meemaakten toen bleek dat de reclame op een billboard eigenlijk een livestream was. Hierboven kan je de video bekijken.



August 19 at 06:17am

Hoe dom is de lokale kiezer?


August 19 at 05:58am

A must seen video

A video that explains what is going on right now, right here!


Download the video an see these 2.45 minutes complete.

Jihaad download


August 19 at 05:44am

Grootste hypocriet

Het lijkt er op dat Heer Rosario de grootste politieke hypocriet is op ons eiland.



August 19 at 05:23am

How sick is the world?

Tax investigators to track and tap smartphones
The Fiod tax investigation service is to track and tap smartphones and tablets, including pre-paid, economic affairs minister Henk Kamp said on Monday. In order to do so, the Fiod will use so-called IMSI catchers, which look like gms masts and can make contact with the phones. The phones then send a personal IMSI code to the antenna with which the phone can be tracked. In addition, it is then possible to listen to telephone conversations and to see text messages and internet use. The Fiod says it needs to be able to track smartphones and tablets in its fight against organised crime, fraud and money laundering. Until now, the organisation had to apply to the national police force for permission to track smartphones. Zero According to Kamp, the privacy of Dutch citizens will not be affected. ‘The expected consequences for citizens, companies and the environment are zero because the change only slightly enlarges the circle of those authorised to use the technology,’ he told RTL Nieuws. The Dutch security service AIVD and its military counterpart MIVD are already allowed to use IMSI catchers without permission of the national police.



August 19 at 05:17am

It's real, It's flying, It's driving

The Terrafugia TF-X™

Terrafugia is excited to premier the new Outer Mold Line for the TF-X™, Terrafugia's vision for the future of personal transportation. The TF-X™ will be a four-seat, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) hybrid electric aircraft that makes flying easier and safer than ever before. Visit for more information.

Flying car

August 19 at 05:12am

Why You Should Never TURN ON Air Conditioner Immediately After You Enter Your Car

This is an important matter that you should not neglect if you are a car owner. According to a research, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a cancer causing toxin or also known as carcinogen – take time to notice the smell of heated plastic inside your car.

The first thing you should to is to open the windows after you enter your car and please do not turn on the air con immediately.

Benzene has other effects are as follows:

It poisons your bones.

Causes anemia and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer.

May cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with windowsclosed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene.

If your car is parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level so it is very dangerous to your health.

People who get into the car, keeping windows closed will inevitably inhale, in quick succession excessive amounts of the toxin.

It is recommended that before you turn on your car A/C, you should open the windows and door to give time for the interior to vent the air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.



August 19 at 05:03am

10 redenen om frisdranken op te geven

Zin in een heerlijk verfrissende Coca-Cola, Fanta of Sprite bij dit hete weer? Misschien is dit juist het moment om die suikerrijke frisdranken voorgoed af te zweren.

Net nu het warme zomerweer ons doet snakken naar die heerlijk sprankelende limonades en andere zoete drankjes hebben wetenschappers opnieuw gewaarschuwd voor het drinken van suikerrijke frisdranken. Ze zouden wereldwijd elk jaar de dood van 184.000 volwassenen veroorzaken.

De onderzoekers namen het gebruik van frisdrank met suiker, fruit- en energiedrankjes, maar ook gezoete ijsthee en zelfgemaakte limonade onder de loep. Ze schatten dat diabetes zo'n 133.000 doden maakt, hart- en vaatziekten 45.000 en kanker 6.450. In totaal dus 184.000 doden of 504 per dag. De meeste doden (driekwart) komen voor in ontwikkelingslanden, waar frisdrank minder geassocieerd wordt met een ongezonde levensstijl. In de top drie staan Mexico, Zuid-Afrika en Marokko.

Het is niet de eerste keer dat frisdranken onder de loep worden genomen. Ze zitten vol suiker en chemische stoffen en hebben geen enkele voedingswaarde. Zelfs de light-versies kunnen schadelijke effecten hebben. We zetten alles nog eens op een rijtje:

1. Het verhoogt het risico op kanker

Heel wat studies hebben een link aangetoond tussen verschillende kankertypes en de consumptie van frisdranken. Vooral de chemicaliën die frisdranken hun frisse kleurtje geven zijn kankerverwekkend. Zo blijkt dat het drinken van slechts twee suikerrijke soft drinks per week de hoeveelheid insuline die de pancreas produceert verhoogt en het risico op het ontwikkelen van pancreaskanker verdubbelt. Een man die één frisdrankje drinkt per dag heeft dan weer 40 procent meer kans op het ontwikkelen van prostaatkanker.

2. Het verhoogt het risico op hartziektes

Amerikaanse wetenschappers ontdekten een sterke link tussen de consumptie van calorieën uit voedsel met veel toegevoegde suikers (zoals frisdranken) en cardiovasculaire ziektes. Drie blikjes frisdrank per dag kunnen het risico op een hartziekte verdriedubbelen.

3. Het kan tot diabetes leiden

Het is aangetoond dat suikerrijke dranken het aantal gevallen van diabetes type 2 doet toenemen. Een studie tussen 1990 en 2000 schatte dat de verhoogde inname van frisdrank bijdroeg aan 130.000 nieuwe gevallen van diabetes.

4. Het maakt ons agressiever

Uit een studie bij jongeren werd een link vastgesteld tussen frisdrank en geweld. Jongeren die slechts twee blikjes per week dronken gedroegen zich agressiever en zij die vijf of meer blikjes per week dronken, hadden in de voorbije maand ook minstens één keer alcohol gebruikt of een sigaret gerookt.

5. Het kan leiden tot vroeggeboorte bij zwangere vrouwen

Zwangere vrouwen drinken beter geen frisdrank nadat uit een Deense studie bij 60.000 vrouwen bleek dat de vrouwen die kunstmatig gezoete soft drinks dronken, meer kans hadden om vroegtijdig te bevallen. Dat zou te maken hebben met de chemicaliën in de kunstmatige zoetstoffen die een invloed hebben op de baarmoeder.

6. Het kan de hersenen veranderen

Frisdranken hebben niet alleen een invloed op het lichaam, maar ook op het proteïnegehalte in de hersenen, wat tot hyperactiviteit kan leiden.

7. Het kan vroegtijdige veroudering veroorzaken

Fosfaten in frisdranken, maar ook in ander industrieel bewerkt voedsel, zou het verouderingsproces versnellen. Dat uit zich niet alleen in zichtbare tekenen, zoals rimpels, maar ook in gezondheidscomplicaties zoals chronische nierziektes en aderverkalking.

8. Het doet de pubertijd vroeger intreden

Een studie van de Harvard Medical School bij 5.583 meisjes tussen 9 en 14 jaar oud toonde aan dat meisjes die anderhalf blikje frisdrank per dag dronken, vroeger hun eerste maandstonden kregen. Dat betekende ook dat het risico op kanker stijgt.

9. We worden er dik van

In elk dieet zijn frisdranken het eerst wat uit het dagelijkse voedingspatroon geschrapt moet worden. Maar ook light en diet frisdranken zijn niet onschuldig. Light frisdranken doen onze taille bijna drie keer meer toenemen dan wanneer we helemaal geen frisdrank drinken, zo blijkt uit een studie.

10. Het verhoogt het risico op Alzheimer

Amerikaanse wetenschappers ontdekten dat muizen die het equivalent van vijf blikjes frisdrank per dag kregen een slechter geheugen hadden dan andere muizen en twee keer zoveel afzetting in de hersenen die geassocieerd worden met de ziekte van Alzheimer.




August 18 at 06:23am

Lokale milieugroepen volksverlakkerij!

.......Openbarezitting...........KortGeding...............Smoc-Curaçao - Isla....

En dan!!
Deze zittingen zijn er allemaal al geweest en is een herhaling van uitspraken eerder!
Dat omdat men de ISLA NIET kan aanpakken en het volk zoet moeten houden.
Triest en men blijft in deze onzin trappen.



August 18 at 05:55am

Bendes en Maffia

Al jaren is het gaande en beschreef het al vanaf 2010 in het boek "Curaçao Maffia Eiland". De ene na de andere moord hoort men nu via het nieuws.

Voor PDF klik hier

Men heeft mijn leven moeilijk gemaakt omdat het leugens waren. Nu 5 jaar later komen de persbureaus er mee en zelfs Nederland NOS moet hier een uitzending aan wijden.
Er gaat nog veel meer komen maar lees dan mijn boeken dan bent u voor minimaal 5 jaar in voren met het nieuws.

Een voormalig aspirantlid van de Limburgse motorbende Bandidos zou tegenover de politie uit de school hebben geklapt over de moord op Gwenette Martha. Volgens De Telegraaf wordt deze Anthmar ’Anthy’ P. (33) nu zelf met de dood bedreigd. Hij is net als Martha op Curaçao geboren. In een proces-verbaal zou staan: ‘Verdachte P. deelde mede dat hij op een dodenlijst staat. Dit komt omdat hij in Amsterdam heeft gezegd dat een aantal mensen Gwenette verkocht hebben voor veel geld.’ P. kende de geliquideerde Martha naar eigen zeggen omdat ze jarenlang samen vast zaten in de Rotterdamse bajes De Schie. Ze zouden daarna ook contact hebben gehouden. Martha is vorig jaar in Amstelveen doodgeschoten. Volgens ‘betrouwbare bronnen’ van De Telegraaf heeft Anthmar P. de opdrachtgevers van de moord op Gwenette Martha aangesproken op hun daad. En dat zou hem niet in dank zijn afgenomen.



August 18 at 05:55am

Woorden en frequenties: de weg naar herprogrammering van ons DNA

Russische wetenschappers hebben bewezen dat ons DNA kan worden herprogrammeert door slechts woorden en bepaalde frequenties. Volgens wetenschappers wordt maar 10% van ons DNA gebruikt voor het bouwen van proteïnen. Dit deel van het DNA wordt onderzocht door wetenschappers, met het plan om het nogmaals te bekijken en in kaart te brengen. Zij hopen tijdens dit onderzoek nieuwe inzichten op te doen.

De resterende 90% van het DNA wordt geacht “afval DNA” te zijn. Ik weet dat de meesten het niet eens zullen zijn met deze term, maar laten we verder gaan.


Voor het gehele artikel klik hier

August 18 at 05:39am

Did you know the story of the dog who lived for many years near the trainstation?

The last photo of the hachiko. That dog who waited the owner dead at the station for almost 10 years. Example of loyalty that lack the many human beings. The Picture was taken on 8 March 1935. Hachiko was 11 years old.

In 1924, Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo, took Hachiko, a golden brown Akita, as a pet. During his owner's life, Hachiko greeted him at the end of each day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return. The professor had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died, never returning to the train station where Hachiko was waiting. Each day for the next nine years, nine months and fifteen days, Hachiko awaited Ueno's return, appearing precisely when the train was due at the station.

Hachiko attracted the attention of other commuters. Many of the people who frequented the Shibuya train station had seen Hachiko and Professor Ueno together each day. Initial reactions from the people, especially from those working at the station, were not necessarily friendly. However, after the first appearance of the article about him on October 4, 1932 in Asahi Shimbun, people started to bring Hachiko treats and food to nourish him during his wait.




August 18 at 05:23am

World Bank Whistleblower Attacked By DOJ - HD

Senior Counsel for the World Bank legal department reports corruption to US Congress, the World Bank's other member countries, and the public.

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association. What did Karen Hudes blow the whistle on? In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules.


August 18 at 05:18am

The Teardrop

About 50 million people visit New York every year & more than 8 million live there but no one seems to have heard of The Teardrop…. yet it’s a 100ft tall, 175-ton memorial to those who died on the city’s blackest day.
Whichever way you look at it, this was a damn smart move by the Russians. And what a beautiful memorial – a huge tear-drop coupled with the names of all those who perished. The West seemingly hell bent on pushing Russia into a corner in Ukraine & with the Zionist controlled media trying to hide their own complicity in the downing of flight MH17 & so continuing to blame Russia for something they had nothing to do with, it hardly looks good on the Zionists if they highlight the Tear-Drop when they’re desperately trying to make Russia look bad.

Tear Drop “A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA”. Why were we not told about Tear Drop?
The Zionist controlled US media gives the beautiful memorial, dedicated by Putin, a total silent treatment. The monument is barely known, even among local residents of Bayonne!

The Teardrop


August 18 at 05:03am

Lord Janner Finally Appears In Court, Accused of 22 Child Sex Crimes

United Kingdom — Lord Janner has finally appeared in court to face child sex abuse charges. The former Labour peer appeared for a brief preliminary hearing at Westminster magistrates’ court after his legal team lost an appeal to prevent him from having to attend. The appeal followed repeated efforts by his lawyers to avoid showing up whatsoever.

After judges warned he would face arrest if he did not appear, the full hearing took less than 12 minutes, during which Janner was accused of 15 counts of indecent assault and seven counts of a separate sexual offence. The charges were a result of claims by nine total complainants, according to a BBC report.

Janner is just one of a string of U.K. establishment figures, ministers, and institutions accused of child sexual abuse and resulting cover-ups.

He is accused of 22 child sex abuse allegations, in which he allegedly molested nine boys over three decades. His family has consistently denied claims that he used his power to abuse vulnerable boys at a children’s home, though lawyers have fought against his prosecution on the grounds that he is suffering from advanced dementia.

The core allegation was that Janner befriended the manager of a children’s care home to gain access to juveniles so he could perpetrate serious sexual offences. After a police investigation interviewed dozens of alleged victims who claimed they were abused by the now 87-year old Janner in the 1970s and 80s, the Crown Prosecution Service concluded there was enough evidence to prosecute him for 22 offences.

In April, the Crown Prosecution Service ruled Janner would not face sex charges as the severity of his dementia made him unfit to face trial.

However, an Independent Review in June forced the Director of Public Prosecutions to make an embarrassing u-turn and the controversial decision was overturned.

According to The Guardian, earlier this week lawyers for both sides attempted to hash out a solution with Janner’s legal team, claiming that insisting he attend court would have a “catastrophic impact” on his health. This was dismissed by Lady Justice Rafferty and Mr. Justice Irwin, who reiterated the strong public interest in suspects attending court.

Yes, we agree, M’lady — particularly establishment figures accused of sex crimes, regardless of how bewildered they are.

After describing Janner’s current condition, lawyer Paul Ozin claimed on Thursday that bringing him before a court would violate human rights, specifically, prohibitions on torture, inhumane, or degrading treatment — an argument rejected by Rafferty and Irwin.

“There is no question of torture, or of inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment,” Rafferty said, claiming that even if Janner was to suffer an adverse reaction, it would be “very short-lived and, as a consequence of his condition, rapidly forgotten.”

As Jammer’s alleged victims struggle with the catastrophic consequences of abuse for the rest of their lives (minus the luxury of “rapidly” forgetting), is it just me, or is this pussyfooting around Janner in really bad taste?

“It is barbaric, inhuman and uncivilised to expose a very vulnerable person to the experience I have alluded to,” Ozin told the High Court.

“Barbaric, inhuman, uncivilised?” “Catastrophic impact?” Anyone would think these comments were alluding to crimes perpetrated on defenceless children, but no, they refer to protecting an alleged prolific paedophile.

After today’s momentary appearance, Janner was released on unconditional bail. According to the Twitter feed of Exaro News, Janner faces 16 charges of indecent assault and six counts of buggery with nine boys. The case will be heard at the Southwark crown court on Sept 1.

Lord Braunstone


August 17 at 06:23am

De leugens van een bisschop

Hoe is het mogelijk dat keer op keer bisschop Secco niet geconfronteerd wordt met zijn eigen leugens? In zijn eerder uitgegeven verklaringen onder andere met de politiek en ook een heer Rosaria zou alles intern "geregeld" worden (zoals het ook tot vandaag nog gaande is. Zelfs vanuit leden van bisdom willemstad werd in gesprekken duidelijk dat ze totaal niet achter de handelswijze staan van deze bisschop "maar we hebben niets te zeggen" was een veel gehoorde verklaring.

ORANJESTAD – Wanneer een geestelijke wordt beschuldigd van seksueel misbruik van een minderjarige laat het bisdom Willemstad dit over aan Justitie. Monseigneur Luis Secco zegt dat – volgens de regels van de Katholieke Kerk – het bisdom zelf geen onderzoek doet.

De bisschop herhaalde tijdens zijn bezoek aan Aruba dat het bisdom volledig bereid is om aan onderzoeken mee te werken en dat het een ‘zero tolerance beleid’ heeft ten aanzien van misbruik van minderjarigen. Een eerdere verklaring die Secco aan de pers deed, waarin hij onder meer refereerde naar ‘andere trauma’s’ zoals slavernij, ‘was ongelukkig’, zegt Secco.

De bisschop zegt niets te verbergen. “Wij zijn bereid om aan elk juridisch proces mee te werken.” Ook onder Secco als bisschop waren er gevallen waarbij een pastoor of een leerkracht van een katholieke school beschuldigd werden. De bisschop zegt dat hij in deze gevallen heeft meegewerkt met Justitie en ook de verantwoordelijkheid heeft genomen. “Maar als het gaat om iemand die daarna naar een ander land verhuisd is, valt dat niet meer onder mijn jurisdictie. Dan ben ik als bisschop daar niet meer verantwoordelijk voor.”

Valse beschuldigingen
Geestelijken die beschuldigd zijn maar later door de rechtbank worden vrijgesproken krijgen in de kerk een tweede kans. Secco vertelt over een geval op Aruba waar een geestelijke werd vrijgesproken en weer in de kerk kwam werken, maar dan wel achter de schermen en met minder verantwoordelijkheden. Volgens Secco blijft zo iemand door de beschuldiging toch een stigma houden binnen de gemeenschap.

Secco vertelt ook dat er gevallen zijn waar geestelijken valselijk beschuldigd worden zodat men ze kan afpersen. Paters en andere geestelijken die wel direct door de kerk gestraft worden zijn degenen die bijvoorbeeld homoseksuele relaties hebben met andere volwassenen. Zij mogen geen sacramenten toedienen tot ze psychologische of psychiatrische hulp hebben gekregen, zegt hij.

Commissie Koeijers
In 2010 bood de bisschop van Willemstad in het openbaar excuses aan voor het seksuele misbruik door geestelijken en stelde hij een speciale commissie in, de commissie Koeijers. Deze moest verslag doen over gevallen die zijn gemeld. Begin dit jaar berichtte de Nederlandse krant De Gelderlander echter dat de commissie praktisch alleen maar op papier bestaat.

Ook de Evangelische Omroep bracht in het programma ‘Dit is de Dag’ een documentaire waarin leden van de commissie te kennen geven dat ze gefaald hebben, aangezien niemand geestelijken die minderjarigen seksueel misbruikt hebben is komen melden. Later voerde Secco onder meer aan dat het programma interviews met hem en zijn vertegenwoordiger bevatte waarvoor ze geen toestemming hadden gegeven.


Voor de aangifte tegen dit Bisdom en zijn Bisschop lees dit boek waar de 160 tellende aangifte gepubliceerd is.

Geloof en het geloven

Geloof en het geloven


August 17 at 06:08am

Cancer In A Can: The Shocking True Story Of How Pringles Are Made

I suspect nearly everyone reading this likely enjoys the taste of potato chips. However, they are clearly one of the most toxic processed foods you can eat—whether they’re made from actual potato shavings or not.

To understand the nature of Pringles and other stackable chips, forget the notion that they come from actual potatoes in any recognizable way.
The Pringles Company (in an effort to avoid taxes levied against “luxury foods” like chips in the UK) once even argued that the potato content of their chips was so low that they are technically not even potato chips.

So if they’re not made of potatoes, what are they exactly?

The process begins with a slurry of rice, wheat, corn, and potato flakes that are pressed into shape.

This dough-like substance is then rolled out into an ultra-thin sheet cut into chip-cookies by a machine.

According to io9:

“The chips move forward on a conveyor belt until they’re pressed onto molds, which give them the curve that makes them fit into one another.

Those molds move through boiling oil … Then they’re blown dry, sprayed with powdered flavors, and at last, flipped onto a slower-moving conveyor belt in a way that allows them to stack. From then on, it’s into the cans … and off towards the innocent mouths of the consumers.”

One of the most hazardous ingredients in potato chips is not intentionally added, but rather is a byproduct of the processing.

Acrylamide, a cancer-causing and potentially neurotoxic chemical, is created when carbohydrate-rich foods are cooked at high temperatures, whether baked, fried, roasted or toasted. Some of the worst offenders include potato chips and French fries, but many foods cooked or processed at temperatures above 212°F (100°C) may contain acrylamide. As a general rule, the chemical is formed when food is heated enough to produce a fairly dry and brown/yellow surface.

Hence, it can be found in:

Potatoes: chips, French fries and other roasted or fried potato foods
Grains: bread crust, toast, crisp bread, roasted breakfast cereals and various processed snacks
Coffee; roasted coffee beans and ground coffee powder. Surprisingly, coffee substitutes based on chicory actually contains 2-3 times MORE acrylamide than real coffee
How Much Acrylamide are You Consuming?

The federal limit for acrylamide in drinking water is 0.5 parts per billion, or about 0.12 micrograms in an eight-ounce glass of water. However, a six-ounce serving of French fries can contain 60 micrograms of acrylamide, or about FIVE HUNDRED times over the allowable limit.

Similarly, potato chips are notoriously high in this dangerous chemical. So high, in fact, that in 2005 the state of California actually sued potato chip makers for failing to warn California consumers about the health risks of acrylamide in their products. A settlement was reached in 2008 when Frito-Lay and several other potato chip makers agreed to reduce the acrylamide levels in their chips to 275 parts per billion (ppb) by 2011, which is low enough to avoid needing a cancer warning label.

The 2005 report “How Potato Chips Stack Up: Levels of Cancer-Causing Acrylamide in Popular Brands of Potato Chips,” issued by the California-basedEnvironmental Law Foundation (ELF), spelled out the dangers of this popular snack. Their analysis found that all potato chip products tested exceeded the legal limit of acrylamide by a minimum of 39 times, and as much as 910 times! Some of the worst offenders at that time included:

Cape Cod Robust Russet: 910 times the legal limit of acrylamide
Kettle Chips (lightly salted): 505 times
Kettle Chips (honey dijon): 495 times
Beware: Baked Chips May Be WORSE than Fried!

If you think you can avoid the health risks of potato chips by choosing baked varieties, which are typically advertised as being “healthier,” think again. Remember that acrylamide is formed not only when foods are fried or broiled, but also when they are baked. And according to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) data on acrylamide levels in foods, baked chips may contain more than three timesthe level of acrylamide as regular chips!

Interestingly, the same trend holds true for other foods, too, which suggests that baking processed potatoes at high temperature may be one of the worst ways to cook them. For instance, according to the FDA’s data, Ore Ida Golden Fries contained 107 ppb of acrylamide in the regular fried version and 1,098 when baked. So remember, ALL potato chips contain acrylamide, regardless of whether they are natural or not; baked or fried. Likewise, they will ALL influence your insulin levels in a very negative way.
Acrylamide is Not the Only Danger

Acrylamide is not the only dangerous genotoxic compound formed when food is heated to high temperatures.

A three-year long EU project, known as Heat-Generated Food Toxicants (HEATOX), whose findings were published at the end of 2007, found there are more than 800 heat-induced compounds, of which 52 are potential carcinogens. In addition to their finding that acrylamide does pose a public health threat, the HEATOX scientists also discovered that you’re far less likely to ingest dangerous levels of the toxin when you eat home-cooked foods compared to industrially or restaurant-prepared foods.

Additionally, the HEATOX findings also suggest that although there are ways to decrease exposure to acrylamide, it cannot be eliminated completely.

According to their calculations, successful application of all presently known methods would reduce the acrylamide intake by 40 percent at the most—which makes me wonder whether chip manufacturers have really succeeded at this point in reducing acrylamide levels to within legal limits… There’s no updated data as of yet, so there’s no telling whether they’ve been able to comply with the 2005 settlement.

For more in-depth information about acrylamide, I recommend reading the online report Heat-generated Food Toxicants, Identification, Characterization and Risk Minimization. In general however, just remember that cooking food at high temperatures is ill advised. A few of the most well-known toxins created in high-temperature cooking include:

Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs): These form when meat is cooked at high temperatures, and they’re also linked to cancer. In terms of HCA, the worst part of the meat is the blackened section, which is why you should always avoid charring your meat, and never eat blackened sections.

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): When fat drips onto the heat source, causing excess smoke, and the smoke surrounds your food, it can transfer cancer-causing PAHs to the meat.

Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs): When food is cooked at high temperatures (including when it is pasteurized or sterilized), it increases the formation of AGEs in your food. When you eat the food, it transfers the AGEs into your body. AGEs build up in your body over time leading to oxidative stress, inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease.
The Search for a “Healthful” Chip Continues…

Like a modern-day search for the Holy Grail, chip manufacturers keep searching for methods to improve the image of their health-harming but profitable snacks. For example, by the end of 2011, about half of Pepsi’s Frito-Lay brand snacks will be reformulated with all-natural ingredients. The switch is part of PepsiCo’s master plan to tap into the healthy foods market share. The Wall Street Journal recently reported the company hopes to boost their nutrition business from $10 billion to $30 billion by 2020.

The company will remove dietary hazards like monosodium glutamate (MSG), replacing it with natural seasonings, such as molasses and paprika. Artificial colors will be replaced with beet juice, purple cabbage and carrots. All in all, about different 60 snacks are scheduled to get an all-natural makeover.

This is certainly a good example of how consumer demand can alter the direction of food manufacturers in a positive way.

The reformulated chips may end up being less bad for you than the original formulations. However, chips will never be truly healthful. All-natural chips may be the lesser of two evils, but if consumed regularly, they will still push your health in the wrong direction… There’s no getting away from the fact that modern plagues such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes have a dietary component, and potato chips and French fries will always be a losing bet if you want to avoid becoming another disease statistic.
How to Avoid Heat-Induced Toxins in Your Diet

Ideally, you should consume foods that are raw or minimally processed to avoid these types of toxic byproducts—the more raw food, the better. My nutrition plan emphasizes the need for at least one-third of your foods to be consumed raw. Personally, I consume about 80 percent of my food raw, and I find it is one of the most important factors that help keep me healthy.

It may take you awhile to switch over to a less processed diet, but throwing out the most obvious culprits would be a great start.

These would include: French fries and potato chips, All sodas (both regular and diet, as artificial sweeteners may be more problematic than fructose, Doughnuts
Healthy Eating Made Easy

Aside from creating potentially toxic byproducts, cooking and processing also depletes the food of valuable micronutrients, which is another reason for eating as much raw food as possible. This includes protein sources such as eggs. Raw whole eggs from organic, pastured chickens are an incredible source of high-quality nutrients that many are deficient in. Raw milk is another good example of a food that is beneficial in its raw state but becomes harmful after it is pasteurized.

By opting for foods that will benefit your health, such as raw, preferably organic and/or locally-grown vegetables, organic grass-fed meats, healthy oils, raw dairy, nuts and seeds, you can change your health for the better. These are the foods that are truly natural, and quite easy to prepare once you get the hang of it.

For a step-by-step guide to make the transition to a healthier diet as simple and smooth as possible, simply follow the advice in my optimized nutrition plan.

Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer-And What You Can Do About It

Remember, eating fresh whole foods is the “secret” to getting healthier, losing weight and really enjoying your food. It’s unfortunate that so many are under the mistaken belief that it’s “next to impossible” to create a meal without processed foods. Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough tackle this issue head-on in their book Real Food Has Curves, which is a great starting point to “relearn” the basics of how to enjoy and prepare real food.

Once you get used to it, you’ll find you can whip up a healthful meal from scratch in the same amount of time it would have taken you to drive down the street to pick up fast food. The main difference will be greater satisfaction, both physically and mentally, and perhaps even financially, as processed foods typically end up being more expensive than cooking from scratch.

Written by Dr. Mercola of



August 17 at 05:53am

En waar zal veel geld gestationeerd zijn?

Leugens, corruptie en ordinaire zelfverrijking
Leugens, corruptie en ordinaire zelfverrijking hebben voormalige beursparel Imtech te gronde gericht. Er staan twintigduizend banen op de tocht. Opdrachtgevers, bedrijven en beleggers gaan voor honderden miljoenen het schip in.



August 17 at 05:48am


Mark Zuckerberg


It is important to have social groups to spread the word. I will be in search for a FACEBOOK alternative and will be publishing alternatives on this site.

Mark Zuckerberg is Jacob Greenberg is grandson of David Rockefeller? i (self.conspiracy)

"TAP - Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank, which was a bit suspicious.

Zuckerberg means 'sugar mountain'.

That's their secret word for Facebook no doubt. A mountain of information from which they can extract billions. Bill Gates comes from a multibillionaire eugenicist family, which was kept well hidden in the early years of Microsoft. The same families control it all. Yet is this story true?

"It has been revealed that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller. His true name is Jacob Greenberg, also grandson to Hank Greenberg. He is royalty.

Some police records show a Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of marijuana when a much younger man. His mugshot was taken, which looks like a younger FaceBook icon with 99% reliability.

It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg.

Also, the Rothschilds own 8% of FaceBook shares. The hidden agenda for the FaceBook social network is to aid the growth of the police state and one world government movement. According to the TAP Blog, the venture Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank. One can only wonder if the other giant Google has similar disguised progeny. The adopted name Zuckerberg means sugar mountain in German."

Exclamation Zuckerberg is David Rockefeller's Grandson! Clinton greatgrandson of JD Rockefeller



It has been revealed that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller. His true name is Jacob Greenberg, also grandson to Hank Greenberg. He is royalty. Some police records show a Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of marijuana when a much younger man. His mugshot was taken, which looks like a younger FaceBook icon with 99% reliability. It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg. Also, the Rothschilds own 8% of FaceBook shares. The hidden agenda for the FaceBook social network is to aid the growth of the police state and one world government movement. According to the TAP Blog, the venture Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank. One can only wonder if the other giant Google has similar disguised progeny. The adopted name Zuckerberg means sugar mountain in German.

The fast rising social network is indeed a mountain of information from which they can extract $billions. In recent weeks, the face of FaceBook has been revealed, as numerous members making comments about their support for gun ownership have had their FB accounts frozen, Big Brother at work. The Tap Blog is a collective of motivated researchers and writers who join forces to distribute information and voice opinions avoided by the world’s media. Unless you wish to provide the nefarious leadership crew a constant trail for your life, complete with various control gates, close your FaceBook account. See the YouTube video that sheds more light on Big Brother . For years the Jackass has refused all invitations, since many of them are actually generated from the FB kitchen in false manner, verified numerous times. FaceBook attempts to expand from computer derived invitations, not human ones, like an electronic cancer. Refusals for LinkedIn and other social media networks are also routinely done.

The Jackass would like to add some other famous family lines. Jimmy Carter was fathered by Joe Kennedy Sr. Thus he is half brother to John, Robert, and Edward from Camelot. It seems that Miss Lillian the mother was Joe’s secretary, with more than dictation being taken by the woman when under the elder’s employ. That explains why Jimmy never had a father revealed during his presidency. Not to be outdone, William Jefferson Clinton is great grandson to John D Rockefeller the oil magnate. Bill Clinton was selected, due to his penchant for bond fraud and keen interest in cocaine binges. After his election and residence at the Arkansas governor mansion, the AirForce base nearby to Little Rock had its runway lengthened three-fold by the CIA. It was then suitable to accommodate the larger aircraft that transported narcotics to Panama. The hidden Camelot US Royalty of elite scum goes on.

Mark Zuckerberg aka Jacob Greenberg's family members include David Rockefeller, his Grandfather. A little strange because Rothschild owns 8% of Facebook shares. Both Rothschild and Rockefeller are well known names.
Where it gets weirder is when I looked at who his (Greenberg) other Grandfather could be. Low and behold:
Former CEO of AIG!
And guess what his wife’s name is: Corinne Phyllis Zuckerman.
Just follow the money . . .


August 17 at 05:37am

Former World Bank Senior Council Says A “Second Species” On Earth Controls Money and Religion

Former World Bank Senior Council, Karen Hudes has been making a lot of noise lately, and she recently said something she’s never said before. She said that a second species on Earth controls money and religion. Many people who have held positions to know things that the rest of us might not know have made some very shocking statements lately. For example, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence recently said that there are at least “4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.”

Karen Hudes

World Bank Scandal & JFK killed over Gold Backed Dollars - Karen Hudes

Karen Hudes - Former World Bank Insider on the Corruption of the Global Elite

World Bank: Money Laundering Criminals | Interview with Whistleblower Karen Hudes



August 17 at 05:25am

Wat doet Oranje voor de kost?

Een titel die groot in de Telegraaf staat.
Men gaat dan meteen denken "werken deze mensen dan?"
Want buiten de erebaantjes zitten ze op plaatsen die zeer belangrijk zijn voor Nederland en de Eilanden. Vergeet niet de Oranjes zijn al van oudsher slavendrijvers maar hebben samen met het koninklijkhuis in Engeland de gehele drugswereld in handen. De lijn Antillen Nederland is een van de meest florerende lijn heden ten dagen.

Dus laten we maar stoppen over te denken wat de Oranjes doen voor de kost. Dat alles is simpel een cover-up en een touwtjes in handen hebben van die lijnen die veilig gesteld moeten worden. Vergeet niet Heer Friso en lady Diana zijn niets voor niets vermoord.


Wil je meer weten download deze boeken dan

Matrix 1

Matrix 2

August 17 at 05:12am

Zelfs de honden weten dat geestelijken zich honds gedragen



August 17 at 05:01am


Strange Beam of Light over Mayan Temple and Florida

[Lightning + Rolling Shutter Artifact]

For the complete explanation click here.


August 16 at 06:25am

Een opmerkelijke man

''Mi tin un hofi grandi kaminda mi ta planta berdura i fruta. Nan mi ta kore bende na kas den barionan i asina mi ta haña sèn. Mi no ta chòler. Ni mi no ta kue nada di niun hende. Un vegetariano mi ta. Mi no ta bebe ni huma, esei ta pa mi por haña inmortalidat. Mi filosofia di bida ta amor. I mi mishon ta pa hiba hende pa salbashon.
- Kiko ta e salbashon ?
''E salbashon ta pa hende bai e prinsipio bèk di su kreensia. Hende a perde tur spiritualidat door di drenta den misa. Esei nos ta yama religion. Ami tei pa hiba nan e realidat bèk pa nan por rekobra e spiritualidat.''

Man Curacao


August 16 at 05:56am

De Coke die via de bekende antilliaanse weg wordt verscheept

Megavondst 'Nederlandse coke'
Cartagena -

De politie in Cartagena in Noord-Colombia heeft 1,8 ton cocaïne ontdekt die naar Nederland zou worden verzonden.

De drugs zaten in een container met koeienhuiden, meldt Crimesite. De container stond op een kade. De drugs, in totaal 1816 kilo, zijn in beslag genomen.


August 16 at 05:34am

And so many people are locked innocent in prison

DNA test sees convict freed after 34 years
Pennsylvania man who spent more than three decades behind bars for the rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl has been freed after a DNA test

Lewis Fogle with his wife, Deb, becomes emotional after his release from the State Correctional Institution in Pine Grove, Pennsylvania Photo: AP

A Pennsylvania man convicted in 1982 of raping and murdering a 15-year-old girl has been released from prison following a DNA test.

Lewis Fogle spent 34 years behind bars after three prison informants told investigators he had privately confessed to killing Deanna Long.

There was little physical evidence tying Mr Fogle to the crime, and the case had been cold for five years prior to his arrest.

Mr Fogle's wife Deb was waiting for him outside the courtroom when he was released Thursday. She said she never lost hope that her husband would be cleared.

Upon exiting the court Mr Fogle told reporters, "I want a steak".

Lewis Fogle with his wife, DebLewis Fogle with his wife, Deb Photo: AP

The DNA testing came after the Innocence Project, a legal group that reviews questionable convictions, lobbied police to review the physical evidence on file from the initial investigation.

The tests proved that the sperm found on the victim was not Mr Fogle's, leading a judge to overturn his conviction.

Prosecutor Patrick Dougherty admitted that the new evidence was sufficient to vacate the conviction, but insisted that Mr Fogle had not been exonerated.

"I am not agreeing that he is actually innocent," Dougherty told the Associated Press, noting that he reserved the right to re-try Mr Fogle for murder.

The circumstances surrounding Mr Fogle's 1981 arrest were unusual, and centred around a man who claimed he had been picking berries in the woods and stumbled upon the crime while it was in progress

That man, who later checked into a psychiatric facility, was placed under hypnosis, at which point he accused Mr Fogle and three other men of raping Miss Long.

The other three men were ultimately released for lack of evidence, but Mr Fogle was charged after three fellow prisoners said he told them he had killed her.

The DNA sample which the tests proved did not belong to Mr Fogle will now be tested against the three men who were originally arrested along with Mr Fogle.

Mr Dougherty, the prosecutor, now has until 14 September to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to re-try Mr Fogle.

"The question is, 40 years later, do we have the pieces of the puzzle?" he said.



August 16 at 05:23am

De ware moordenaar van princes Diana meld zich

Queen reageerde koeltjes op ongeluk Diana

Koningin Elizabeth reageerde koeltjes toen ze op 31 augustus 1997 hoorde dat prinses Diana een ongeluk had gekregen in Parijs.

Toen de Queen voor het eerst hoorde over het ongeluk wist zij nog niet dat Diana en haar vriend Dodi Al-Fayed waren omgekomen. Elizabeth reageerde dan ook bijzonder koeltjes door te concluderen de remmen van de auto waarin Diana en Dodi zaten, "vast wel gesaboteerd" waren.

"Ach, de remmen zullen vast met vet zijn ingesmeerd", zou de Britse koningin hebben gezegd volgens Ingrid Seward, die een onthullend boek heeft geschreven over de ingewikkelde relatie tussen de koningin en haar (ex)-schoondochter.

Queen Elisabeth Diana


August 16 at 05:19am

De vieze gespletenheid in een geloof


August 16 at 05:03am

Chemo is dodelijker dan helemaal geen behandeling

Als we de harde waarheid onder ogen komen, weten we dat de kanker-industrie inderdaad niet meer is dan dat: een industrie. Amerika is hier al compleet in doorgeslagen, maar ook in Nederland wordt de zorg steeds commerciëler. Dokters (in Nederland nog via omwegen zoals snoepreisjes en betaalde lezingen, maar in de VS al direct), bedrijven die geneesmiddelen produceren, ziekenhuizen en andere grote belanghebbenden verdienen grof geld iedere keer dat een kankerpatiënt begint met het conventionele behandelingsmodel.

Dat model bestaat doorgaans uit het injecteren van chemotherapeutische giffen in het lichaam, het belasten met ioniserende radiatie of het verwijderen van lichaamsdelen – of een soort van barbaarse combinatie van deze drie manieren.

Het kan misschien hard aankomen voor sommigen, zeker voor diegenen die al geconfronteerd werden met het overlijden van een naaste door de conventionele behandeling van kanker, maar deze behandelingen werken in de meeste gevallen nauwelijks. Nauwelijks bekend wetenschappelijk onderzoek, dat de medisch industriële wereld zorgvuldig verborgen houdt, toont aan dat ongeacht wat de medische industrie vaak beweert, chemotherapie geen effectieve behandeling voor kanker is.

Dr. Hardin B. Jones, een gewezen professor van medische fysica en fysiologie aan de universiteit van Californië (Berkeley) kwam na het 25 jaar lang bestuderen van de levensduur van kankerpatiënten tot de conclusie dat, ondanks wat de meeste mensen geloven, chemotherapie niet werkt. Hij was getuige van meerdere kankerpatiënten die door de behandeling met giftige stoffen van chemotherapie op een verschrikkelijke manier aan hun einde kwamen. Waaronder verschillende die veel eerder aan hun fatale einde kwamen dan de patiënten die deze behandelingen niet ondergingen.

Na verder onderzoek stelde Dr. Jones vast dat de kankerpatiënten die chemotherapie ondergingen in de meeste gevallen sneller stierven dan diegenen die dit niet deden. Hij bleef graven, en toen onthulde Dr. Jones een feit waarvan de conventionele kankerindustrie absoluut niet wilde dat de wereld dit te weten kwam over hun kip met gouden eieren.

“Mensen die de behandeling weigerden leefden gemiddeld 12 en een half jaar verder,” constateerde Dr. Jones in zijn studie die werd gepubliceerd in het blad Transactions of The New York Academy of Sciences. “Diegenen die wel een behandeling ondergingen, leefden gemiddeld slechts 3 jaar.”
Borstkankerpatiënten die al de conventionele behandelingen weigeren, leven vier keer langer dan diegenen die deze behandelingen wel ondergaan

Laat dat eens goed tot je doordringen. Wanneer kankerpatiënten behandelingen weigerden en helemaal niets deden, leefden zij meer dan vier keer langer dan hun gewillige lotgenoten. Dit is iets wat je nooit te horen zult krijgen van onze mainstream media. Deze blijven de mythe verspreiden dat kankerpatiënten op een of andere manier chemisch vergif nodig hebben om te kunnen overleven en uiteindelijk “genezen” verklaard te kunnen worden.

De studie van dokter Jones toont ook aan dat dit hetzelfde is voor vrouwen met borstkanker. Vrouwen met borstkanker die chemotherapie, bestraling en operaties weigerden – en dus geen behandeling ondergingen – leefden ook gemiddeld vier keer langer dan vrouwen die onder het mes gingen en ermee instemden om vergiftigd te worden met medicijnen.

In een studie die gepubliceerd werd in The Journal Clinical Oncology in 2004, wordt er toegegeven dat chemotherapie in feite alleen maar effectief is in 2 procent van de gevallen. Dit is gebaseerd op de standaard vijf jaar overlevingskans rato die technisch gezien niet indicatief is voor het genezingsproces – ondanks dat gezondheidsinstellingen graag beweren dat dat wel zo is.

Uit een aparte studie gepubliceerd in The Journal of the American Medical Association uit 1979 blijkt dat veel van de meeste gangbare procedures voor de diagnose en behandeling van borstkanker, bijna al die procedures en behandelingen die vandaag nog steeds gebruikt worden, niets gedaan hebben om de cijfers omtrent borstkanker naar beneden te halen of om de overlevingskansen van borstkankerpatiënten te vergroten.

Twee andere studies, eentje uit Israël die werd gepubliceerd in 1978 en eentje uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk dat werd gepubliceerd in The Lancet in 1980, kwamen tot diezelfde bevindingen.

“Over het algemeen zijn de overlevingskansen van borstkanker er de laatste tien jaar niet op vooruit gegaan. Ondanks het feit dat er steeds meer uitgebreide chemotherapieën beschikbaar zijn voor het behandelen van uitzaaiingen,” staat er geschreven in de Lancet studie met als titel “Het falen van chemotherapie om overlevingskansen te verlengen in een groep van mensen met uitzaaiingen van borstkanker.”

“Bovendien is er geen verbetering voor het overleven van de eerste uitzaaiing en de overlevingskansen worden zelfs kleiner bij sommige patiënten die chemotherapie ondergingen.”
Natuurlijke behandelingen tegen kanker zijn uw beste optie als deze ziekte zich bij u zou ontwikkelen

Afgezien van simpelweg niets doen, wat dus altijd nog beter blijkt te zijn dan met conventionele behandelingen te beginnen, zijn er veel manieren om kanker te behandelen op natuurlijke wijze. Een overvloed aan mogelijkheden om op natuurlijke wijze kanker te behandelen, vind je terug op de website Een gratis bron van informatie over gezondheid, ziektes, het milieu en veel meer.



August 16 at 05:00am

It's hot and now sleeping

Every Night He Puts a Wet Towel on the Window. From Now On, You Will Do The Same


This hot summer nights create real problems when it comes to sleeping. The smartest thing would be that every one of us has an air conditioner. However, this is not the cheapest investment. With the help of these 6 simple tricks, you will sleep well and yet save money.

A pillow in the fridge

It may sound a bit strange, but it works! We are always looking for that one, cold side of the pillow so why do not we have both?
A wet towel on the window

Open up the window and put a wet towel which will work as a natural air conditioner during the hot nights.
Ice cubes in front of the ventilator

If you want to cool off the room before you go to sleep, just put a plate with ice in front of the ventilator.

Remove all sources of heat from the room

Remove all electronic devices from the bedroom. Especially if they are charging, since they radiate and transmit unnecessary heat to you. Cold bath tub for your feet

One cold bath will not just cool you off, but it will help you to easily fall asleep. Cooling off your legs leads to an automatic reaction of the organism: it will strengthen the circulation toward this body part, so that they would warm up. It will provide relaxation and a calming effect for the entire body.
Wet socks

Wet socks, especially in the hot nights will refresh you. Just put the socks in the freezer and then put them on. Full enjoyment awaits you!





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